Update 2.0

Jun 04, 2007 21:27

29MAY -
So quite recently I was asked if I'd like to go IA (individual augmentee) to Cuba. Almost did too. Told them I'd give it some thought and let them know in the morning. Well, come to find out one of my MA2's took the billet, which is all well and good really as I was going to turn them down anyhow. Was hearing some real negitive feedback from our last IA. Not to mention I'd be royaly screwing over my roommate and his GF if I did go. On top of that I threw some tarot cards and it all came up real negitive. As that deck has yet to give me a wrong answer I thought I'd heed it this time.

Went to the range with m' padre. Am discovering my marksmanship to be somewhat lacking. *shrug* Navy just dosen't get me to the range enough. Reaffirmed that my pistol is complete garbage. So after blowing near 200 rounds we started heading out when I noticed they had several P90's and varients on the counter. *drool* I've always wanted one. They even let me fire off a few rounds with it.

If anyone asks what I want for my birthday THAT'S it. Probably gonna get banned soon though.

Afterwards we went to Turner's in Everett for a quick bite to eat. I attempted to teach Amy how to play Texas Hold'em on their video poker screen. Don't really think I got anywhere though. Heh.

Amy and myself went to see Spiderman 3 later that night at Loews. Not too bad. Kinda hit home in parts. Otherwise, once again they've managed to complicate the hell out of the most simple premises. Still much ass-camping to do at Loews. Don't think I'll have time though. So many good movies out and no time to watch them.

Speaking of ass-camping, I've managed to log 140 hours in FF:XII... in two months... while only getting to go home every other weekend. Sad, no?

I leave the Keep at 6am after having pulled an all-nighter. Again. Manage to catch the bus to Smokey Point. No biggie there, just got back off in Everett and hitched another bus to Seattle. Soooo, get to Seattle, grab a mocha and The Stranger and camp out at Coleman dock for the next ferry. After a long article about a real interesting queer with YouTube fame (he dosen't make a bad woman either) the ferry finnaly arrives.

Finnish Stranger. Underway. Moor. Another latte. Base. Ship. Berthing.

I decide that my current uniform looks like a bag of ass so I stay up even more to do up a better uniform. While doing so I get told that my latest leave attempt (Mid Augest) has been shot down do to being underway. Probably bull, but nothing I can do.

Gone for birthday, RennFaire and Samhain. Am. Not. Pleased.


Finnaly went to bed 'round noon or so. Didn't wake up until 7:03PM. Not normally a problem... 'cept I get up at 4:20PM to prepare for work.


I call the office to let them know I'm en route, only I discover I'm not working tonight.

...ok... nani?

Apparently I'm in Brig school tommorow through the 14th. Not quite a good thing considering I meant to be in Eastern Washington this week but I suppose I'll just try again when school is out. Better weekend rates with rental cars anyhow. I suppose I should be glad. After all it saves my ass from being late to work.

In other news...

DFAS, our pay managment crew has double payed me it seems. While I love the extra grand or so I've been alloted I'm gonna have to send them a WTF and have it taken back out. I've got no interest in paying back a loan I never meant to take, ya know? Eventually they'll catch it. Better now when I still have it available.
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