Yuletide letter (2016)

Oct 07, 2016 21:47

Hi Yuletide writer,

Firstly, thanks for signing up for Yuletide and offering to write in one of my more obscure fannish loves! I'm always excited and happy that at least one other person has one of the fandoms below in common with me, and I would seriously be overjoyed with fic in any of them, so please don't worry about picking one over another. :)

For reference, here are a few general ideas about what I do and don't like in fic:
  • I really really don't like characters dying in fic.
  • I’ll read anything from G to NC-17; and gen, slash, femslash, het is fine as long as it’s contextually reasonable! The optional details in my signup should help colour in this idea a bit more specifically for each fandom.
  • I don't usually like reading about established (romantic) relationships in a story; I like to see the journey of people growing closer and realising they want even more intimacy.
  • I prefer my fics to err on the side of being story/character driven rather than being PWPs. I don't mind explicit sex, I just like there to be a good context to it.
  • I like more realistic fics over fluff, but I don't enjoy angst for angst's sake
    Happy or hopeful endings are lovely, but an ambiguous ending that fits the story is fine.
  • And while I don’t think my fandoms lend themselves to this, I just want to point out I generally don’t like mpreg or A/B/O.
  • And unless I've specified it in the request, I'd prefer not to receive an AU for Yuletide.

I hope I'm not being too demanding with the details above and below - they're just ideas that might help you to understand what I might like. But don’t feel pressured to take all or part of it on if it’s not your thing. I hope you just have lots of fun through the whole process. :)

Thanks again!


Reflex - Dick Francis

I love how easily Clare, Jeremy and Phillip become friends throughout the book, while each is shown to be very clever in their various passions, and absolutely willing to be caught up in the others' enthusiasm. So by the end when Phillip and Clare come to pick up Jeremy from the hospital to take him home, all I could think was that it would make perfect sense if they started their new life as three rather than two. So if you could write me some futurefic about the three of them working their way to some sort of equilibrium that would be awesome!

Even more optional details:
I wouldn't mind a slice-of-life gen fic about Philip and Clare and Jeremy weaving in and out of each others' lives as a close-knit trio after the events of the book. I also really like the idea of Clare, who already knows how Jeremy feels about Philip, realising that for his perceptiveness Philip hasn't worked out they could totally solve by threesome - and then she does something about it and they get a happy ever after. :)

Auction Hunters (TV)

I basically want curtain-fic except they're not picking out furnishings for their home, but rather they're on endless road trips across North America finding implausibly cool (and profitable) things in random abandoned storage units, and one day they look around and realised of the things they haven't sold, they've made a home and a life and a relationships for themselves.

Even more optional details:
I absolutely love the idea of finding treasure in trash (I'm also addicted to related 'reality' TV shows like Antiques Roadshow, Storage Wars, Baggage Battles, American Pickers...you get the picture). So any details about the stuff they find e.g. cool/weird history and/or significance and/or crazy amounts of money associated would be much appreciated. And I'm going to say that while I find it hilarious that they always 'find' a gun on each ep, I'm not into gun culture so I wouldn't necessarily play up that aspect.

I'm cool if you want to play it straight, as if the tv show is just a fly on the wall look at their real day-to-day lives; I'd also be interested in the flipside, taking into account all the accusations of it being heavily scripted, with Ton and Allen only actors playing into archetypes.

Looking (TV)

I'm really torn! Before I watched the movie, I was wanting fic with fumbly teenaged Agustin and Patrick at college figuring things out about their sexuality while failing at really growing up. But post-movie, I also want to hear about Richie moving away from SF and how he makes it work with Patrick. But I also love the dynamic between Patrick and Dom, that wonderful scene where they make out and collapse in giggles - and it makes me wonder what could've been if Dom had fucked him when they first met?

Overall, the thing I love most about the run of the show is the way it meandered through all their lives and San Francisco, showcasing the wonderful intimacy between their group of friends. So basically, I'd be happy with any story that keeps Patrick, Agustin and Dom friends, and treats all their circle with the tenderness the show has for them all.

PS I don't love Kevin, and that last meeting between him and Patrick was BRUTAL. I don't want character-bashing, just as long as he doesn't feature heavily that's fine!


I fell for this show HARD in its first season, particularly because of the way women are portrayed - they're flawed yet likeable, vulnerable yet tough as hell. I would love something that explored the relationship between Rachel and Quinn - I'm really fascinated with the show in the show itself, the construction of the narratives in the producers' room, and Rachel and Quinn's ability to manipulate the people around them so expertly. So I wouldn't mind a look at the difficulties of being a female producer and the impact of Quinn's mentoring, good and bad, on Rachel. Gen or femslash is fine.

Even more optional details:
If you wanted to write about more of the cast, I prefer the focus to be on first season contestants (like Faith and Anna). I don't mind Adam and Chet, but I don't want the focus to be on them and their romantic relationships with Rachel and Quinn respectively. I don't like Jeremy and all that he is/does so the less he shows up the better.

auction hunters, yuletide, looking, unreal, dick francis

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