Yuletide reveals (+ fic 'round-up' lol)

Jan 01, 2016 22:35

Happy New Year!

I woke to find YT reveals, so once again, here are my excellent stories and their lovely authors:

Amanti Constanti, the lovely Marriage of Figaro fic, was written by Dussek. Thank you!

And A Locked Box, my treat, was written by
littlerhymes. That's right, like I guessed, the author DID know me well. <3333 Please go and read the fantastic KJ Parker short story Let Maps to Others then go and read Ro's story, see how well it all fits together, then let her know she's awesome, kthxbye.

I do not have to do much of a writing round-up this year because I wrote a grand sum of ONE - my Yuletide fic The Naked Eye for

It's for To the Hilt, one of the Dick Francis novels I read this year, and it's Al/Chris set after the events of the book. Many thanks to
littlerhymes who made sure once again that I finished ahead of the deadline and beta'd it excellently; and also if it weren't for
greenet I probably would've never have picked up a Francis book and become obsessed. :)

I've also made YT recs over here in 26 fandoms. :)

kj parker, yuletide, fic, dick francis, recs

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