
Oct 04, 2011 16:56

I had that horrible issue where despite transferring my links to AVOS pretty much as soon as they sent that first email, I was locked out of my delicious account after the takeover. I cracked it eventually, about two days of following what was going on over in deliciousland, and I promptly bought myself a pinboard account and exported my bookmarks across quick smart.

For anyone who was following my sporadic multifandom recc-ing, I'm now at pinboard as proteinscollide.

This tool has been helpful in finding some of my old delicious network. Please add yourself if you've migrated to pinboard so I can find even more of you!

I'm also going to try and start using the AO3 bookmarklet to duplicate any new recs I make.

Ahhhhh, sweet sweet fandom and fic links, I'm glad I can locate you once more! I was so lost for a few days there...

recs, fandom

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