Greek: Legacy

Mar 08, 2011 22:25

Oh show. I will miss you so much. ;___;

This is not the coherent, thoughtful recap you may be looking for. This is thoughts I scribbled down as I laughed and teared up through my first watching, in which I abuse exclamation marks and smiley faces a lot and get sappy. You have been warned.


Last week's penultimate ep set up some of the payoffs in this episode, as some old wounds were closed and 'villains' redeemed to some degree, from Evan to Frannie. And Frannie's words, that the Greek system and its ups and downs may be all consuming while at college but it fades away in the real world, come back to haunt and shape the legacy of all the beloved characters. But a few minutes into this ep, it was clear there was unfinished business - Evan's redemption arc would be complete only when he helps save Cappie Kappa Tau.

But first, there's a million and one plots to wind up. Oh man, so many plots...!

The main storyline is the threat to KT house and the fate of the KT brotherhood as they battle against Lasker Parkes who turns out to be evil! Okay, as evil as it gets in the Greek-verse - he, like Frannie, sees the legacy of his Greek time as something to shed after college - but it's interesting to see that his proposal is not inherently evil (building a multi-purpose athletic centre for the student body). Related to this strand is Cappie's struggle to let go of KT and CRU and his Peter Pan ways, as well as Rusty's hesitancy to take over the mantle of leadership.

I loved seeing the whole gang trying to save the house together, in cahoots on the plot to steal from Lasker Parkes (and hey, it's Andrew (Tom Lenk)!) It was lovely to see (almost all of) them on the same side, because they care about each other. And just as lovely, the moment where Evan and Casey have to make the choice to be on that side, and Casey chooses Cappie and her friends, and then Evan, oh Evan, can see no other choice if it comes down to career or his friends. My notes here read: "CASEY <33333333 EVAN <33333333"

I may have teared up a little watching the KTs cry as the house is bulldozed. All I could think was that just like the show, they had to tear it down to let it live on. It would've been trite to somehow save the house at the last minute, it wouldn't have felt quite right, but it was sad all the same. I've read that the house came down on the very last day of shoots, as the very last thing they did. The cast are saying goodbye just as we the audience are. ;____;

Then the show dealt with all the relationships satisfyingly, bringing some couples together, reconciling others, and acknowledging above all the friendship and love that has grown between the characters. <333333 Though the Dale/Laura moment was somewhat abrupt and a little out of character (but funny - "Why didn't we work out together?" "Because you don't like to sweat."), although Evan and Rebecca only got part of the way there, with Evan at least apologising for being a dick, I was happy with it, with the fact that it was okay for the here and now, and not tied up too neatly. I was even brought around on Rusty/Ashleigh somewhat. ANd I like the background reminders that Beaver and Katherine are still together, and Heath and Calvin too. And I love all the friendships too, whether it's Wade being a KT forever to Casey and Rebecca hugging and crying and acknowledging that they'll miss each other.

But in the end, two relationships meant to the most to me throughout the show's run, and the finale did them so much justice.

1) OT3 4 ever! :D Yes, Cappie chose to come to CRU because of Evan, and now he's choosing to leave CRU because of Casey. (Aside: how much did I love that Cappie "accidentally graduated" and did a kickass final presentation in the most Cappie of ways. "But what is time?" :DDDDDD) Yes, Cappie and Casey end up together, riding off into the sunset. Yes, their last exchange made me warm and squishy inside. ("Where to?" "Wherever you're going.") But that scene in Dobler's after the house comes down, Evan basically says that he made his choice because he looked across and wanted to join Casey at Cappie's side. And when Cappie and Casey decide that their future is together, Evan looks like he wants so much to be a part of that 'together'. I just made "Awwwwwwwww" noises at the screen and I want ALL the future fic where Evan heads out to Washington once he finishes at CRU and he and Casey and Cappie live happily ever after, okay?

2) Rusty and Casey. I loved their moment on the ZBZ staircase, bookending their relationship as brother and sister throughout the show - from Rusty finding out that Casey's lied about having a brother in the first ep to this point, to them being proud of each other and being friends. Oh show. Oh, my heart.

I couldn't have asked for a much better end to Greek. It was funny, it had heart, it wrapped things up, it left just enough open-ended. I will miss it but it also felt like the right time, the right way to end. <33333333

tv, greek

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