(no subject)

Mar 08, 2009 23:10

Two memes for the price of one?

1. "Hey, so what’s your name - and I mean your real name, what your friends call you, not some weird porn name that's your pet's name plus the name of your street.

2. "Something real," Sisky insists, and Butcher shoves him lightly on the shoulder and says, "C'mon, giving up my chance to be the next N'sync? Totally keeping it real."

3.“Yeah, who fuckin' needs Pete Wentz anyway?” Brendon says sleepily from the other couch.

4. Cash comes up behind him and whispers in his ear, "I think you would look hot with a tattoo."

5. "But not Mike," William continues, his words almost lost as he weaves into the back of Ryan Ross and holds on for dear life, "Not Mike, because he's...he's got a secret. He's a secret - "

6. "...hey, it's good to hear from you too, little bro," Jon says.

Yeah, this is totally my favourite meme. :)

Brother's Blood - Kevin Devine
I've heard the new album, and while it doesn't blow me away, this song - man, I could listen to this over and over. I love the weary lyrics, the way his voice cracks, and the extended guitar solo that leads to everything breaking loose; it's angry and passionate and awesome.

You Are the Blood - Sufjan Stevens
This song is crazy and wonderful, all ten minutes of it. It comes from the Dark is the Night compilation, the proceeds go towards HIV/AIDS work, and there are some amazing artists and songs featured. I highly recommend getting a copy for yourself (or for someone else). :)

Young Liars - TV on the Radio
They opened with this at the concert, and I hadn't heard it before but it really stuck with me. Off their 2003 EP of the same name.

Days of Elaine (long) - The Decemberists
I know, the new album leaked today. I'll wait until I've had a proper listen, but until then, I really like this song from the single series with its hypnotising extended instrumental outro.

I've Got Friends - Manchester Orchestra
I think I'm in love. Play it loud and rock out (in an emo way). Cannot wait for the new album, yessssss.
eta: Let My Pride Be What's Left Behind (2008 EP)

Buckets of Rain - Neko Case
Love her voice, love her take on this Dylan song.

Guns & Ammo - Minus the Bear (.m4a)
From the Acoustics cd. Lovely, simple and somewhat warmer their usual mathy selves.

memes, music, mp3, writerly anxiety

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