F songs

Feb 12, 2009 15:33

Everytime I feel like making a cranky/sad post, I end up doing a music meme instead, and it takes me so long to organise the post that usually the urge to post embarrassing things passes.

So, yes. normalhumanbein gave me the letter F, and I believe it should be five songs only, but...

...I have a thing about patterns and repetition, and while I was going through my iTunes for songs starting with F, I noticed that some F words are much much more popular in my music collection than others. Then I had to do a tally, of course, and collate the results, and then pick one song representing each of these words, preferably one I haven't uploaded before, and oh man, I made this meme a gazillion times more nerdy than it originally was. ** /o\

For (11): For Tomorrow - Blur
Songs with la la la singalongs ftw! This is the extended version.

Fall (10): Falling For You - Weezer
This song is crazy, and it has all these key changes, and goes from major to minor constantly, and uses so many chords and is just all over musically awesome and also really really cathartic to sing along with.

First (8): The First - Tegan and Sara
I was going to post a Bright Eyes song, but I can't find it on my HD at the moment. I would've loved to have heard this live when T&S were here last month, but hey, you can't always get what you want.

Free (7): Freedom - George Michael
Due to certain popslash fics, this song is forever linked in my head to band boys coming out of the closet.

Feel (6): Feel Flows - Beach Boys
I love the echo-y, laidback feel of this.

Fire (6): Firecracker - Ryan Adams
Remember when Ryan Adams was mostly famous for being an awesome alt country musician?

Fake (5): Fake Tales of San Francisco - Arctic Monkeys
The song that made me like them. Bands making fun of hipster wankers will never fail to amuse me. Plus it's so damn catchy.

From (5): From a Mountain in the Middle of a Cabin - Panic at the Disco
Still one of my favourite songs from the album. It reminds me of a silent movie, something Chaplinesque, with the piano and the whistling. It works for me as a point where the two different influences of the album - Ryan's nonsensical lyrics and his homage to 70s rock, and Brendon's love of the cheery ditty - meet and meld.

Fight (4): Fight Song - The Republic Tigers
Check 'em out: myspace.com/therepublictigers

Flame (4): Flame - Bell X1
They had me at marshmallows! :) I think it's a really romantic and funny metaphor, but ymmv.

Future (4): Futures - Jimmy Eat World
Is this a hopeful song?

--> all 11 F songs (.rar, 50MB)

** I have a HUGE thing about stats and music; my end of year lists are mathematically calibrated by a certain system, and it is only because of self preservation that I do not make the process public, only the results.

Comment if you want a letter, and propagate the meme (the original one, probably).

Do you know what else makes me happy? littlerhymes posted a picspam of gorgeous bandpeople with adorable animals. :DDDDD this way to the pupspam

memes, music, mp3

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