(no subject)

Aug 12, 2008 17:42

I was going to do an angry rant-y post about RL, and then a post of happy things to make up for it. But I settled down with a cup of coffee, ranted to my mum instead, and then watched the men's artistic gymnastics, followed by the 10m synchro diving (we won silver, whoo!) so I don't quite feel the need to shout into the void of the internets anymore.

But here's my post of awesome stuff anyway:

West of the Mountains, South of the Sun by littlerhymes
Pete/Ryan, Pete/Brendon. Western AU.

Ryan's the kid who runs away from home and joins up with a gang of outlaws run by the infamous Pete Wentz. He comes home to his father's farm, and his best friend Spencer, after a year he won't talk about, and eventually his past catches up to him. This is one fic that doesn't pull its punches, but that feels right for the setting, for the story; I still get a bit choked up towards the end, thinking about the choices Ryan has to make. I think Ryan is a hard character to write, and harder in this, but she makes him complicated and yet someone sympathetic; and I love her Pete, who is crazy and charming and dangerous, for all sorts of reasons. The writing is sparse but perfectly so.

Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to become friends with my favourite writer in fandom.

Which brings me to this ridiculous(ly adorable) band I'm going to see (with Ro, in two states omg) in less than two weeks.

Yeah, this one. I look at this, and I wonder what is going through their minds, particularly Brendon and Spencer. "I'm a pretty swan...the prettiest swan!" I don't know.

Speaking of swans...

Most adorable picture of Jon, or most adorable picture of Jon? =)

And I love that with each step closer to Australia, they are still looking remarkably GSF-y . Keep it up boys, keep it up.

Also, there's one moment I really love in stories - whether onscreen or in books - where two characters who seem meant to be, but who've not quite got it together yet, have this moment where they're this close [] to a kiss. And the tension is in whether they then do, or not, and what consequences arise.

This looks so much like that moment to me.

A girl can dream.

Anyway, speaking of ridiculous bands that I will be seeing soon, I must admit to a growing fondness for TAI... *sigh*

eta: new Straylight Run - Try

music, mp3, crazymaking, tai, patd, recs

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