Read this! Look at this!

Feb 05, 2008 15:40

I'm not much one for fanart, but this post of fan art and manips was the best thing about this afternoon. Some of them just have to be seen to be believed. (The group cheerleader one? I had trouble working out that Joe and Sisky were manip'd into the picture...they make surprisingly pretty girls) Check out the comments for more lolariousness!

And I Wait Until I Shake by unprolific (Pete/Ryan)
More people need to read this. Possibly one of the best Pete/Ryan fics I've ever read; beautifully written, and conveying the shifting power dynamic between them so well through the smallest observations. Some of the writing, the way the images are captured, just took my breath away for being simple and yet utterly perfect.

Tell Me to Stop by airgiodslv (Brendon/Spencer)
I think this is one of the best fics I've read in bandom. It's incredibly HOT (I will admit to having a mild D/s kink, so ymmv) BUT it's more than that; I love how well written this is, from the pacing of the story, of the growing relationship between them, to the tension in the sex itself, which, regardless of how you feel about D/s, is used really well as a vehicle for building the trust between them in a way that's completely believable. And it takes its time to draw the relationships between both boys to the other important people in their lives - the Spencer-Ryan friendship is particularly lovely - and it contrasts and complements the growing relationship between Brendon and Spencer fantastically.

Where Is Your Boy by musical-emjay (Gerard/Brian)
A lovely little fic that still manages to pack a lot in, about how Brian feels about Gerard, being their manager and Gerard's friend. It has a great contemplative tone, and the tension, the comparison, between the onstage Gerard/Frank and Brian's crush on Gerard is nicely done too.

The Things We Do by gigantic (Pete/Joe)
People tend to write this pairing with a lightheartedness, but this is gutwrenchingly good, balanced between the easy-going friendship that's evident between them, and the deeper relationship unfolding behind closed doors, as Joe stays with Pete and falls in love with him even as Pete is unwittingly just play-acting a persona. Yeah, there's cross-dressing, but I don't think you need to be into the kink, because it goes beyond that to exploring the (dis)connect between public and private images of the self.

Unreliable Narrators by redbrickrose (Brendon/Ryan)
I love finding long, well-written Brendon/Ryan. This has really well-rounded characterisation of everyone, but I particularly love Ryan's voice in this. The whole story feels really honest to me, the way relationships build and devolve and the challenges in dealing with the consequences, and the tension between Brendon and Ryan is sustained very nicely until the end.

I'll admit that my girl crush on Mandy Moore isn't as strong as it used to be - she's got a gig supporting Kelly Clarkson later on this year that I'm not going to - but god, she's

Also, I don't really understand the feedback meme. Can't we just go to the fics we like and leave comments there??

fob, mcr, patd, recs

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