(no subject)

Dec 09, 2007 23:02

All the people who wished me luck in getting better, thank you! I'm recovering a heck of a lot more than before, I feel much more like myself now, if still a little tired. =)

I also feel rather virtuous because I got some work done on my Yuletide story, finally. I've just to got to remember that starting is not the same as finishing...

Go to the Wikipedia home page and click random article. That is your band's name. Click random article again; that is your album name. Click random article 15 more times; those are the tracks on your album.

Olivia Borlée

1. Our Thing
2. Runaway Jury
3. 7th Century in Architecture
4. Slaphead
5. Harv Stewart
6. Clifton Reginald Wharton, Jr.
7. Access to Insight
8. the Taylor number
9. Finnmeccanica
10. A Place for My Stuff
11. Harold Schering
12. Aast, Pyrénées-Atlantiques
13. Western Colorado Botanical Gardens
14. List of State Leaders in 1288
15. Křivoklát Castle

I feel like my band would be a rather confused American band with a Christian background who is seeking a place and time (just not the one we're living in now). I reckon the sound would be, um, a little bit electronica, a little bit indie folk, and rather Baroque (some of the titles in particular really make me think of Sufjan Stevens, and I think that's influencing how I hear the songs in my head). The lyrics would be geeky and a teensy bit emo, and have really obscure references to the Light and the Cleansing of the Soul - enough to capture the Christian rock market, but not enough to scare away mainstream audiences.
The last song is actually a hidden track, all dark and atmospheric and rather pagan, the result of the lead singer's backpacking trip across Europe where he was stuck in Poland for the winter.

Oh, and I haven't seen people on my flist talk about this: Gerard (from MCR) on Triple J with Robbie Buck 30/11/07 (5.5mb, mp3; right click save as! it's on the ABC website for Top Shelf)

Oh, Gerard. He talks about not having crushes on people, and thanks Robbie Buck for being an engaged interviewer, and he's just generally adorable. *draws hearts*

memes, mcr

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