(no subject)

Aug 01, 2007 00:40

So you've all seen this picture by now, yes? Good. Frank and Gerard continuing to make out on stage every night is a-ok by me. =D

But what I really like is the little video going around, the one taken from the pit where the kiss is the first few seconds. It's a short kiss, but something about it is just so so sexy to me, and captures it better than any of the pics I've seen. So, please, take and watch (.mp4, if you need it in another format, just drop me a comment and I'll get on it).

Here, have Panic! being adorable on a plane: Spencer is snarky, Jon is still a mountain man, and Ryan and Brendon SING FOB TO EACH OTHER. Oh, bandslash. Why is your canon so good to us?

Apart from that, I've been pretty much dead to fandom in the last two days; I see there's a backlog of fic to get to, which sounds good, but first I have to FINISH THIS DAMN FIC (she says grimly to self). We're 6700 words and counting, and I have two sections left to go before I can beg my betas to do the speediest job they can in order to get it done by Friday. So. Back to the grind, etc.

eta: yikes, this is why one should not attempt to do html at 1 in the morning. Links are fixed, and I've added another bonus clip.

mcr, writerly anxiety, patd

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