Awesome things for a Saturday

Jul 28, 2007 17:18

Gerard talks some more about The Umbrella Academy with CBR. The comic still looks pretty awesome, and I love the bit about Ray making suggestions for the comic in the same way he would MCR music. *loves Gerard and Ray* *loves rest of MCR just because*

littlerhymes linked this to me, and it's *genius*, like every Peanuts fanfic I've never realised I wanted so much. Peanuts, as written by Charles Bukowski.

FOE put a new video of Ryan and Brendon rehearsing 'Lying...' backstage before the Vegas HCT date (the one they played with Mark Hoppus).

Brendon's fingers as he plays the acoustic bass, man. The first time I watched it, that's *all* I could focus on. But there's so much goodness in a short video - there's a bit in the middle where they stop playing, and other people in the room are talking over them then but Brendon and Ryan are still focussed on fixing some of the playing, discussing quietly what to do, tuning out the rest of the world, and oh, I *love* that. Then there's the lovely Pete/Brendon vibe at the beginning and end of the video: their big happy smiles, and the bantering, especially about how it's just like when Pete flew out to watch them play for the first time. (Brendon miming the bit about the samples and his cheesy grin, hee!)

Okay, while we're talking about Panic! and their absolute adorableness, go and download the Kerrang podcast if you haven't already. I listened to the interview part (starts around 5:00, lasts about 18 minutes) on the train to the airport last Friday, and I couldn't help myself and actually laughed out loud, and for the rest of the trip the only other person in my carriage kept one eye on me and one eye on the door. But it was worth it because they're so fucking precious. And I'm not even going to try and list all that I like about it, because it's long and meaty; but hearing them talk over one another and make up shit is so much fun. I like how they seem so comfortable with each other.

Speaking of other things that are precious, like, why not just kill me Ryan Ross, since you and your dog are so freaking adorable (a beagle puppy, omg, refer above to Peanuts section above, lather rinse and repeat)

Pete's caption doesn't hurt:
girls, girls, girls
motley crue and jay-z said it best. hemingway wishes he could get babes like this. ryan and hobo.

Hm. Lastly, I'm so so glad that the DYW exchange deadline got moved back, because I've been staring at my outline for my fic for about a week and a half now, and I only seem to be able to write 50 words at a time, and it's looking to be a tad longer than I'm normally comfortable writing. Hm.

mcr, patd

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