put bad thoughts in my head

Jun 17, 2007 16:36

So, Fall Out Boy guest programmed on Rage last night (or, they filmed this months ago and they're only playing it now, whatever) and I caught the first hour or so before giving up since it hit all the metal videos (I blame Joe, he definitely intro'd the first Iron Maiden one).

The first clip, where Patrick introduces Mercy Me by Alkaline Trio, is really awesome, and I really hope someone puts it up soon. From what I remember, Patrick starts talking about the band, and then he stops, and says in a half amused, half resigned voice, "Someone's touching my back right now...but it's not a hot girl, so I'm not gonna look." [It's Pete, btw, because Joe's on Patrick's other side and both his hands are visible, while Pete's...are not.] Then Pete jokes that maybe a hot girl *has* materialised out of the wall and is doing it - all while Patrick's still going, "Uh...someone's *still* touching my back..." Then Patrick says something about ska, and Pete gets all mock indignant, "How dare you say that word in front of me!" and Patrick says teasingly, "What, ska? Ooh, I just said it again, I said it twice!" and oh, they are so cute together. =D

There's only ONE clip of them hosting up on YouTube so far, and that's the last clip, but it's Patrick being uber-adorable and talking about Green Day's Basket Case while Pete teases him about kissing some dude under the table in 5th grade, and Patrick stops and calls Pete an asshole, hah! As I said, adorable: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4_uq8rR3jA


There's a scan of random questions in Blender, but I'm going to reproduce the Q&A below for my own amusement.

Where are you, and what can you see?
I'm trapped on a tour bus in Germany. I can see my brother Gerard, and we're watching shitty sci-fi movies.

Why should we leave our air-conditioned McMansion to come see you play the Projekt Revolution Tour this summer?
People should come out if they want their faces melted off.

What the best beach in New Jersey?
It would have to be Wildwood. It's one of the few beaches in Jersey where you won't step on a hypodermic needle.

Ever gotten lucky on a beach?
I found a $20 bill once.

Would you ever rock a Speedo?
If someone put a shotgun to my head.

Ever have a regrettable summer hook-up?
Regret is a sign of weakness. Oh, and girls have cooties.

What's your favourite ice-cream-truck-song?
The Godfather theme. Yes, in Jersey many an ice-cream truck played the Godfather theme.

How do you keep your makeup from running onstage when you get sweaty?
I don't. At the show we played tonight, eyeliner and sweat streamed into my eye and I was partially blinded.

Ever do socks with sandals?
You wouldn't catch my cold dead body with sandals on.

Is there a body part you hide during the summer?
All of them.

Ok, I think he's precious. And this is kind of ironic article considering he's *not* on tour with them now, anyway. But hee, getting lucky on the beach, girls having cooties, a hatred of sandals and Speedos. Oh, Mikey.

fob, mcr

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