Not making as much progress on Yuletide because we actually went out and did stuff today. I think it's telling that after we watched Casino Royale, my dad said "eh, it was alright, but I didn't get the bit where..." then proceeded to need 3/5ths of the movie explained, whereas my mother said, rather enthusiastically, "I liked it! Big explosions, hot girls." SQ family experience, y'all.
World Enough and Time (Thursday Next series)
This is so good; the tone is perfect for the first books and it's fun seeing everyone involved in the narrative, and Thursday with baby Friday is just lovely.
The Case of the Very Gay Detectives (Perry/Harry, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang)
In which things get really gay, but it’s ok, Harry warns us first. Their voices are dead-on, and it’s very funny and flows so well.
Almost Nothing Beats a Segway (Michael/Mia, The Princess Diaries)
I thorougly enjoyed this. Mia's voice is perfect, and she and Michael are adorable and teenaged and geeky in such appropriate ways.
Yes, Sir, Jeeves (Wooster/Jeeves, PG Wodehouse - Jeeves and Wooster)
Bertie's voice is *perfect* and the scheme to have their roles reversed is inspired. As Jeeves’ gentleman, Bertie is brought to realise just how precious the other man is to him.