(no subject)

Apr 19, 2005 21:37

I feel like everyone's read and recced these already and I'm coming to the party late, but man, what a party.

Jacking Gehenna by Mirabella

Harry grows up and defeats evil as he should, but evil doesn't leave him behind. Sometimes it takes someone as fucked up to bring about a happy ending. Crossover with the Constantine movie-verse, really well written , with some great imagery and snappy lines and a whole lot of menace and power.

The Craziest Person I've Met This Week by Llama

The world is full of crazy people living crazy lives. This is the story of two, intersecting for a brief moment between bowel cancer and lycanthropy, a Fight Club and Harry Potter crossover. I thought it was just fantastic - terse, interesting, clever, sad.

The Malfoy Guide to Productive Extortion by Mirabella

The hottest and funniest thing I'd read in a while. Draco's wily plans for blackmail doesn't quite turn out as planned, and that's with an incriminating incident involving Harry and Ron falling pretty much straight into his lap, except without the straight.

The Chosen by allecto

Written for the Marry Harry challenge. Stick with the beginning scenario - Vincent Crabbe marries Harry not out of love but duty - and just let the story unfold and possibly make you cry a little. The story twists and turns and seems so bleakly cold between the characters, and yet it fleshes out the humans that Slytherins could be, with all that faults and fears and strange loyalties. Lovely.

The Requirement by Miggy

Narcissa has a soft-core past, and Harry holds too often in his hands something he could use as leverage against Draco but can't. A great look into the private nature of Harry, the confusion and sexuality of a teenage wizard, the twisted sordid nature of it all. And the little touch of Harry v Draco tension at the end, the way things could end in violence or something very different - the cherry on top.

Corridors of Power by Blythely

I am so in love with this, and it's a WiP. But it's just so much fun. Harry and Draco are Muggle politicians, but this is not an AU. It's funny, light and not light all at the same time, and there's all this tension and back-and-forth banter about stuff I don't really understand but can still follow avidly because it's amusing. I want the next chapter NOW, dammit.

hp, recs

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