My brother has this uncanny ability to sit down at a piano and just play any song without knowing the sheet music to it. You can say, "Hey, play Final Fantasy" and he can rip out a song from those games. He loves to make songs up at family parties - one of my favorite things to do is just sit by the piano when he is nearby.
I told him about some of my story and characters and he wrote me songs to go with it. I can't tell you how inspiring it is. If you have the opportunity to listen to your own personalized soundtrack for a project you're doing, I highly recommend it.
Apparently, so I guess last Sunday he sat down and wrote song after song for me straight out of his head. (They're meant more for getting a chord progression/melody down physically before rewriting them in Cubase, but I thought they sounded pretty fabulous just as they are.) One of them is my villain's theme!! I mean, what a present to give someone else.
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Villain song, muahahahahahaaaaa:
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I'm not used to editing audio files... I'm finding it hard to take away background noise without making it sound tinny. I'm so visually oriented that I can't really hear the difference when I'm editing it.