Text [008] �

Feb 17, 2011 13:02

[...He really can't bring himself to even turn on the SFC, but at the same time...he really needs to tell people. Because it looks like Akina is gone, and so is...

So who would tell if not him? Touka at least...deserves some sort of farewell, right? So it's just a text message, when he finally brings himself to do something.]

For anyone who knew ( Read more... )

sob sob sob, aaaangst, my life seriously sucks, for once a purposeful post, soooob, !ic, !text, well this sucks, angst angst angst, more losses, ....well damn, ihu vatheon, bawwww

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Text; faygot February 17 2011, 21:09:25 UTC
Be cHiLl, MoThErFuCkEr.
It iS AlL Up aLl dOwN RiGhT.
BeCaUsE ThErE'S A MoThErFuCkInG MiRaClE CoMiNg, I FeEl iT.


Text; protagonized February 18 2011, 00:31:47 UTC
[...This text baffles him. And makes him a little testy.]

What are you even talking about?


Text; faygot February 18 2011, 00:39:52 UTC
PeOpLe lEfT, yEaH?
WeLl, MoThErFuCkEr, PeOpLe cOmE BaCk tOo.
LiKe a fUcKiNg mIrAcLe.


Text; protagonized February 19 2011, 02:23:19 UTC
Yeah. Sometimes they do. And usually they don't. And even if they do...they might not remember

Really it's better if they don't


Text; faygot February 19 2011, 16:02:26 UTC
WoAh, BrOtHeR.
YoU AlL Up sOuNd lIkE YoUr nEeD A MoThErFuCkInG NaP In tHe hOrN PiLe
HeLp yOu gEt yOuR FuCkInG GlAd oN AgAiN.
ShIt pRoBaBlY AlL Up mOtHeRfUcKiNg gEtS HaPpEnInG FoR A FuCkInG ReAsOn.
AnD EvEn iF It aIn't dOn't
YoU CaN StIlL GeT YoUr pReTeNd oN AnD MoThErFuCkInG ThInK Of oNe.
If iT WoUlD HeLp gEt a fUcKiNg sMiLe oN.


Text; protagonized February 20 2011, 17:38:20 UTC
[...Give him a few minutes. And then a few more of staring at the text, and then--]



Text; faygot February 20 2011, 18:51:52 UTC
YoU AiN'T UnDeRsTaNdInG It, BrO?


Text; protagonized February 23 2011, 05:51:46 UTC
No. Not really. Why do you type so weirdly, anyway?


Text; faygot February 23 2011, 14:11:02 UTC
well, shit, bro, I all up ain't have to
but motherfucking shit feels motherfucking unnatural.
AnD YoU JuSt gOtTa aLl uP Do wHaT FeElS RiGhT By yOu, YeAh?
LiStEn tO YoUr mOtHeRfUcKiNg hEaRt gEtTiNg iTs sPeAk oN.


Text; protagonized February 24 2011, 18:43:45 UTC
...I guess so, but how does how you type have anything to do with all of that?


Text; faygot February 24 2011, 19:41:30 UTC
It jUsT DoEs, BrO.
CaN'T ExPlAiN It bUt iT MoThErFuCkInG DoEs.
ThE WaY YoU AlL Up bE RePrEsEnTiNg yOuRsElF To yOuR MoThErFuCkInG HoMiEs
SpEaKs a lOt aBoUt hOw yOu bE.


Text; protagonized February 25 2011, 04:33:28 UTC
Right. Well. If you say so.

What's your name, anyway?


Text; faygot February 25 2011, 12:47:33 UTC
ThAt wIcKeD NoIsEs dOnE DiD CoMe oUtTa mY MoThErFuCkInG MoUtH.
NaMe iS GaMzEe, BrO. yOu?


Text; protagonized February 26 2011, 06:48:43 UTC
Yeah. Right. Whatever you say.

I'm Kyouriki. Nice to meet you.



Text; faygot February 26 2011, 19:25:14 UTC
NiCe tO MeEt yOu, DoG


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