Comic Strip Rough Ideas: "A Life Like Mine"

Jun 14, 2007 13:05

So here are a couple of ideas and bios that I've been throwing around for my Comic Strip.

Title: A Life Like Mine

Character Biographies

JD - After finishing up commerical art school and working
in the industry for about a year, JD decides to venture out and
develop his own design company, Sunrise Design Inc. JD has been
working his company up from scratch with the help of his sister,
Jenny. He is also addicted to World Of Waracraft, Scrubs, Amp
Energy Drinks, and pizza. When he is not engulfed in the game
of WoW or choking down an Amp, he is designing logos and
advertisements for corporate and local businesses around the
Clearwater/Tampa, FL area. He is pretty laid back and care free,
and tends to worry about things like finding love (he has a crush
on his next door neighbor) and money (considering he has a beach
house to pay for).

Jenny - Jenny is JD's little sister. Always the go getter
in the family, she has just graduated college (in half the time
her brother did) as a nurse. When not working her crazy hours at
the hospital, she is helping her brother with the business aspect
of Sunrise Design Inc. Advertising, getting clients, and keeping
JD in check is what she does on a daily basis. She admires her
big brother a lot and wants him to succeed in life, love and
everything else. But don't break his brother's heart or she will
break you! (PS she does not like Warcraft)

Jacob aka LJ - Jacob is one of JD's bestfriends. He's known
JD since elementary school (damn that's a long time) and grew up in
the same neighborhood together; kinda funny because they use to not
like each other back then. Well, they turned out to be the best of
friends and are practically the same person. Jacob is into sports
and other random things here and there; he also shares the same
passion for Amp energy drinks. Working at a crematory during the
day and hanging out at night, he is also into a lot of art and on
occasion JD asks him to help design a few things for Sunrise
Design Inc. Also nickednamed LJ (Lazy Jake) as he can be, well
lazy sometimes... lol.. but it's an inside joke between buddies.

Mandee - Just a small town girl; nope, not living in a lonely
world (haha). Mandee just moved to Clearwater from a smalltown
off the east coast of Florida. She also happens to be JD's next door
neighbor at the beach homes and also works for the local surf shop,
The Mandalay Bay (which commissions JD for product logos/ads). She's
a pure beach girl at heart; and always lives by the motto "Live,
Laugh, and Love." She is also going to school at the local college
in hopes of opening her own business someday. She also has a tiny
crush on JD (who wouldn't!).

Algii - Back in the high school days, there was only one person
that JD considered an artistic rival, that would be Algii. JD and
Algii were the greatest of friends, but always drove each other to do
better than one another when it came to art. After all these past
years, Algii is still considered a great artistic rival (and friend)
and is now employed by one of the biggest design agencies in Tampa;
D.R.U. aka Designs R Us (yes I know what you're thinking, sigh)
Although he is considered the competition, they can put aside their
work to be able to hang out and still chum around; or can they?
Algii can sometimes be cocky and carries himself in a "playaish"
type of way, but hey, that's just Alggi.

KB - K. Bizzle in the Hizzle! or, um... KB... lol... is
another one of JD's bestfriends. Him and JD use to live together
while they both went to school in Orlando. They have much history
together, and is a big influence (cosidering he was the one that got
JD hooked on Warcraft and Scrubs). Dubbed the nicknamed S.K.B. or
Super Khocolate Bear by JD (it's a scrubs thing), he is still living
in Orlando as a computer engineer. He maintains JD's website for
Sunrise Design Inc. and gives any clients in the Orlando area to
Jenny for business. He is a very mellow kinda of guy and visits
JD often to catch up on old times.

Not exactly sure what other characters I am planning on adding... I know I will have at least 20 or so as the series goes on... and yes I plan to run this comic strip for a while... :) I am inspired to do something!!! yay!!!

Storyline will develop as it goes... chracter concept sketches are still in the works... still debating if I should stay with true comic strip style chracters... or maybe a more anime geared character (considering they look all anime geared anyway)

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