WoW Ganking Fun!

Jun 08, 2007 12:26

So yeah, if you remember a while back... I talked about logging on to my lvl 36 gnome rogue in STV and totally owning this hunter that was PvP flagged...

So last night, due to failed attempts at a Heroic Slave Pens run... I logged on to my rogue to finish up some quest and hopefully hit 37...

To my suprise, near the mini Nesingwary (or how ever you spell it) camp I saw the BE hunter that I had toyed around with back when... AND HE WAS FLAGGED!

So I came to this conclusion... this guy must be a noob and doesn't know how to turn off his PvP flag OR he just likes to get into little scuffels with people that come up to him... so yeah I tried to gank him... LOL!!!

However to my suprise, he got better since the last time we crossed paths... he KILLED ME! not just once or twice... but 4 times... I think he finally learned how to play his class... and I think he respec Beast Hunter... there were times I couldn't get close enough to him... con shot... and etc... placing traps... and enraged his pet... I was actually kinda of excited cause it was kinda boring last time because I could gank him without any effort... but I actually had to try hard this time to take him down.. I finally did get him down once... before he hearthed away... good job BE hunter, I applaud you... I hope to see you in the future for many fun battles... /salute
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