going crazy

Aug 29, 2007 19:58

Going insane with the Tokio Dance Night... Good thing that Noora will come to Helsinki on saturday so we can plan our outfits and have the last minute break down. I dont usually fuss about some party that much but all the annoying/ugly/stupid little brats that are allowed in are making me crazy.
We have to! I repeat HAVE TO look our best so we will stand out from those horrible kids!

Eveything will be alright if Claudia will give back my wig and and and the lower part of my dress (if not... Then i'll just come half naked XD)
Oh and the best part is yet to come... I have my english finals on the next morning.... Great.... So i'll have to go on my party clothes... even better.

I wish Annika would come also because it's been awhile since i last partied with her, i think it was on germany... few months ago...
She always makes me do crazy things (remembers of the night berlin... too many drinks... too many hours of dancing... and then finally some pole dancing.... losing clothes... body painting and other fun stuff)

Maybe it's better if she wont come... But me and Noora will have much much fun, i know it
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