Oh yeah... LiveJournal.

May 25, 2010 21:05

Dear Eljay,
How've you been? I missed you. Are we ok, now? I know I've been neglecting you lately and I'm sorry. Can we just move past it? OK. Thanks.

My friend Kevin is back in prison, thanks to the State of California. I just found this out Sunday night and he's been detained for almost a year now. This comes on the heels of a previous stint at Twin Towers (LA, Calif.) that damned-near killed him. Kevin stands about 5' 7", 135 lbs soaking wet and cannot refrain from smiling or outright busting up laughing at the slightest approach of a joke. He isn't really the sort that should be rubbing elbows with the products of La's gang mill. Grapevine tells me he will be serving out 6 years after the July sentencing hearing, which is kind of total shite for a 19 year old kid who was just trying to embarrass people into not torturing rabbits and mice so they can say POM Wonderful does this or that. Hell, even the FDA has come after POM but--you know--for immoral things that might impact competitors.

Anyhow, that makes me want to just throw things. Seriously, if you think POM is a good company or buy anything of theirs, I hope you lose a leg to diabetes soon.

Oh - the State of California wanted to add additional "gang" charges against Kevin for daylight sidewalk demonstration activity due to it being animal-welfare related, claiming that he must be a member of A.L.F., which they tried to say is a gang. This was eventually thrown out for being stupid.

Seriously: your whole leg. gone.

What else? Been playing TONS of chess lately. Getting sick with it. About two weeks ago I got back to a plateau I haven't been at since 2005 or so, where I can recall whole games after they're played - move for move. This comes in handy for analysis with computer later as you don't have to write things down or take photos of the board at critical moments, and frankly, is a hell of a bar trick! Anyhow, I do believe I've made a hell of a push forward as of late and am having a hard time losing to folks around here these days. One more reason why I <3 New York: stronger chess players. Right now I'm working on my endurance - trying to play the toughest competition-in person-over and over again, usu. at Hemming Plaza where I'm going against the wanna-be hustlers (they'd be eaten alive at Wash. Sq) but playing mulitple opponents back-to-back with each of them getting breaks/rest in between games. I haven't lost yet at Hemming, but I know I will and when I do, I will probably be pissed off about it. I should just get it out of the way.

Also, I sent rocketboom a story idea two weeks ago telling them that they couldn't be in a better spot to do a story on chess culture... gave them my big chess-meme spiel (we don't play chess; at this point chess plays us) and lo~! They did it. Even went to the place I told them to *and got it right* (world of diff between the Village Chess Shop and that place across the street) . Anyhow - I was stoked and decided that I need to get back there. If only I could find a new roommate!

Anyhow, ElJay, thanks for listening and thanks for always being there. Yer the bestest!
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