Apr 18, 2007 00:50
And, already, I regret saying "one," for fear that I will inevitably decide that there is more than one thing that I truly hate. However, I somehow feel that the other concepts I lean towards saying this about can actually be encompassed by the one thing.
The one thing that I truly hate is giving up on changing people when you want to believe in them. So much of our basic human functions and interactions are built around self-preservation and convenience, which leads to denial. And virtually everyone I know (even me) has a problem with his or her self that needs to be acknowledged, but they usually find it too difficult to move far enough beyond the denial that there is such a problem to actually do anything about correcting it. Of course, the severity of these problems and the urgency to act upon changing them varies, but I know some people that have it really bad. Downward spiral sort of shit that's been worsening for years upon years, to the point that the negative effects of it are being felt by all those close to them, rather than just themselves. And I never know what to do about that. I know others have tried and failed to change them. I know that I have talked with them about it on numerous occasions, to no avail. What more is there? Especially when you know that it's unjustly hurting others that you (and, presumably, they) care for? Is it really alright to fall victim to the denial yourself and sit idly by as it happens, knowing damn well why it is happening?
I hate how simple other people's problems seem from the outside. It's always so simple. Problem. Assessment. Solution. And you can damn-near bet that there's a 100% guarantee that the person with the problem will never see it that way. They will never be able to just isolate and assess the issue(s), then form and act upon a solution to these things they are doing that are hurting themselves and the people they love.
But sometimes they do. So, there's that whole hope thing. And, again, I don't know what to do with that. It's good to have. It's a nice little reference for how I wish people would behave - how I think that they should. But I don't know how to project it to the people who need to know. I don't know how to utilize that to show them what they're doing. To show them how fucking selfish, wrong, and hurtful they are being. To show them how much happier they could make so many lives with one small decision. One small decision. Sure, it takes dedication to stick with that decision. It always does. But all it really takes is making up your mind that things are no longer going to be as they are now. And I have seen good people do that. Good men and women that just decided something they were doing was not right, so they chose to cease doing it. Why can't more people just do that? Ultimately, it is difficult to change your life. But it is not difficult to make that decision. It is not difficult to set yourself on a different path.
You just have to make up your mind.
Why is that so hard?