Update 2/18/06

Feb 18, 2006 10:00

So, I am alive! Week 1 of my nonstop working is almost over. It's been... rather difficult, but next week isn't as bad, so I'm pretty pleased with myself. And to top it all off, I havent had any drugs to aide me (other than the one day where I worked 3 different shifts in one day, I took an aderol to get me through). Seriously, try doing 3 shifts (and sleeping in your car inbetween two of them!) and see if you don't need that extra push to get you through the day/night. Plus aderol makes my work fun and exciting. It's weird.

Lots of drama has been going on:

1) Found out that while I was dating Douglas this past time, the little bitch not only had a girlfriend on the side, who I actually met the last time I saw him, but also had a boy toy, by the name of Will, as well. None of us had any idea he was playing us. Well, his sea cow of a girlfriend is talking all this shit about me, which is retarded as fuck, seeing as to how I don't know her at all and only spoke to her for a matter of 5 minutes...wtf? And, in other related news, Will and I began talking about what had taken place with each of us and Douglas, and somehow began to take an interest in eachother. So, once again, I find myself in yet another relationship. I took a chance and decided to go with it just for kicks. I've never really dated someone like Will, but then again, I do see qualities from previous relationships that I liked/enjoyed in him. He's a scorpio, so that's something new. *wink* Can you blame me for wanting to try something new and experimenting with it? I'm a curious little queer, which you all know. :)

2) Went to Marshall HS's Valentines dance with this kid named Damon whom I had been friends with for about two years. He had asked me and so I thought I would be nice and say yes. Never again will I be nice. I'm going to be an ass-hole for the rest of my life! Come to find out, this kid is madly in love with me. Like, I mean to the point where he's talking about marriage, children and growing old. I'm like WTF is going on? I had no idea what-so-ever. Well, during this lame high school dance, he kept wondering off and so his friend Tony, who btw is a rather pretty cross dresser, started talking to me and we discover we both like alot of the same things (music, fashion, piercings, etc) so we become friends, which drive's Damon insane. See, Damon is the kind of kid where if anything goes wrong, even in the slightest, he pulls the suicide card out and every one starts to feel bad and it's "Poor Damon. Do this for him so he wont kill himself". Ok ya, bullshit! I've had enough friends kill themselves in my lifetime to have another, so I have completely stopped talking to this kid. I'm just so sick of hearing anyone threaten suicide. If you're gonna pull the suicide card, you better play it! I'm entirely anti-suicide, believe me, but if you're gonna threaten it and use it just to get a pity party, then fuck you! Either do it, or shut the fuck up. Enough said.

3) I know that this one doesn't directly involve me, but you must understand that my friends are my family, so anything that affects them, affects me. One of my bestest friends Austin, who just turned 16, has it pretty bad. I honestly feel bad and helpless that I can't do anything. Well, here's what's happening. His dad goes out of town atleast 3x a month for atleast 4-7 days at a time and he doesn't leave any money for him for lunch or dinner. Well, his step mom, who doesn't go out of town cuz she has to stay and take care of her 5 kids, doesn't give him any money for lunch and doesn't invite him to go with them when they go to get food for dinner. Fucked up isn't it? Well, last friday, Austin's dad had gotten home and so Austin went home to ask for money since he hadn't eaten that day due to lack of money and his dad refused to give him money, which is absurd. So Austin ends up leaving and going to our friend Richie's house and staying there the entire weekend like he does every weekend since we all party together on the weekends (usually at Richie's house). Well, come to find out, on Sunday, Austin's dad reports him as a run away and has the cops looking for him. Now, what made us so pissed off was that if his dad was honestly worried about him "running away", he would have reported him a runaway on friday instead of sunday. So we figure that his dad is just being a dick. So, Austin call's his grandparents, which whom he used to live with because his dad didn't want him, because his dad decides to yet again go out of town, so they come and pick him up. They live on the complete other side of town where it takes atleast an hour to get there, so I haven't seen this kid since monday and I usually see him on a daily basis. He is supposed to be back on monday apparantly, but I was told by his boyfriend that his dick of a dad went and withdrew Austin from Warren (highschool) when he found out that Austin had gone with his grandparents. So the future of Austin being around is in question and I DO NOT like that at all. Ya, there are things that I can not and never will be able to control, but this just sucks. We've been a very close group of friends for over a year now...inwhich we see eachother atleast everyday, if not more. I love my friends with all my heart and would do anything for them....and that includes my friends who are not apart of the group...but are still just as important to me. You know who you are! *muah*

Not sure if I have mentioned this or not, but thanks to Austin, I have now gotten into comic books. I think I'm trying to get any kind of childhood back that I possibly can. It's really a bunch of shit in my head I think. I feel like I'm getting old (shut up everyone). I just really miss being a kid you know? Not having to worry about work, life and money. It was nice while it lasted. Anywayz, back to the comics. I've gotten into this one new comic series called "Squadron Supreme", which is really just an alternate version of The Justice Leage (with Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and so forth). It's actually really good. I've never been into comics; I found them to be too predictable and not worth my time, but I'm pleased with this one. Another series I've been getting into is one called "Atomika - God Is Red" which is about this super hero thing that fights off these demons and shit in the USSR. It's pretty cool and I enjoy the illustrations. There is a sale at the local comic book store today where past issues are just $1, so I'm hella excited!!! It opens at 10a, so I'm gonna get there early and get what I want and still be able to get to work on time at noon. Yay! I'm also gonna get into this series that my friend Brandon (the kid I've known since second grade) told me about called "30 Days of Night" or something like that and it's about these vampires who go to Alaska and have a feeding frenzy since Alaska has those complete darkness periods of the year. It sounds exciting and promising.

So that's about it. OKC is less than a month away, so I'm excited. I miss my Amanda's (and the occasional weird comment that makes me laugh from Andy)!!! I'm a bit worried about the shit I've been hearing about how Oklahoma is nothing but a bible thumping, conservative state. This should be fun! Anisya, you better not let any weirdo, redneck, jesus freak fuck with me, cuz I'll show him who's boss. *rolls eyes* And Corpus is about two months away. For those who are concerned about my attendance to the NIN show in Corpus, do not fret, I will be going! I'm getting my tickets on the 3rd of March when I get paid for all these hours that I work. Infact, I have half saved at the moment, so just two more weeks! YAY!!!

I don't want to go into detail's about this, but I do want to mention it in someway cuz I'm actually hopeful, but I've applied to be on an Mtv special. Yes, I said Mtv, and yes, I do despise Mtv with all my heart, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Now, this is nothing certain, but with my story and the requirements for the special, I think I have a good chance. It's rather hard to explain without getting into it in its entirity, but just cross your fingers for me. I will say that it is in regards to The Inner Circle. Now you all know how serious I am about this. haha. In related news, I have finally sent of for the new Society 1 dvd and cd. I can't believe it has taken me so long. I knew about them back in October. I'm a horrible fan...no, just a broke one. haha. And in even more related news, things are starting to pick back up in the Society 1 camp and 'the ball' will be moving in a few weeks (the ball? wtf?), so I'm VERY excited. I'm really hoping that they get on Roadrunner Records, which would kick my ass so much!!! But Matt has me in suspense. *shakes fist* I'm pretty sure the new record deal will be a good one. I have complete faith in Matt for getting a good deal. He knows what he's doing and I've never been more proud of him. He also will be on Charmed. I'm not sure if he'll be playing a demon like he was supposed to before (when there was the schedule confusion and he lost the part) and he will also be producing a music video I believe as well and producing a cd for this pretty cool band called M3 (I think). I'm not sure on the bands name, so don't take that as the correct one. It just is the only thing coming to mind and myspace is being gay, so I can't check if it is accurate or not. In my next update, I'll let you know if it is right or not.

Well, I hope everyone is doing fine. All apologies for not talking to any of you. Work is pretty much my life at this moment. The spare time that I do have, I'm either on something or sleeping. What a life huh?

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