Definitely Not the Day...

Nov 03, 2004 22:07

Blah.... So much crap to do.  And, again, I get to load it all on my trusted friend, teh LiveJournal!

This is definitely not my day...  AcDec Speech to write, RN to write, Resume to fill out, biology pokemon cards to make...  All sorts of crap, that I'm actually delaying doing by posting in here.  That's odd, now isn't it?  Oh well.  I... Don't... Care... I'm too tired to really give a crap about anything going on in my life right now.  It's my usual, yearly, put everything and everyone down for a while and see what being a complete jackass to everyone you know because you don't care feels like time of year.  Crappy, eh?  But I'm not /supposed/ to care.  but I do.  Not my time to feel all crappy and shit.  Definitely not the day for one of my /best/ friends to stop talking to me.  Maybe they're right about them being a dumbass before.  Sheesh.  Not like I've done anything.  I think.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Oh well... Whatever.  I don't have time to stress about you, friend.  I'm really sorry.  Then again... I haven't had time to stress or go outside and breathe the fresh air in a while.  I'm forgetting to nurture the friendships I do have.  *leaves a bad taste in mouth*

Gah.  No time for this, for anyone, for anything.  All there is is me... and homework... centering myself... ;P

See you all tomorrow or whenever I see you all next.
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