
May 05, 2037 16:08

Art by |  えすとえむ (Est Em)


Welcome~ to anyone? who might have stumbled upon this place by some chance.
This is a journal that belongs to someone who's extremely passionate about
BL manga and many other anime & manga related things in general.
It's one addiction i'm happy to have. i'm just an average and awkward
polite friendly girl who's obsessed with fictional characters and sometimes cries a
lot over pretty anime boys, loves
animals and overfilled bookshelves.
For now this is a public journal and at the moment the only locked
entrys are those that i'm currently slowly working on or old embarrassing ones.

This journal was created mainly so that i can comment on other journals,
to watch & join fandom communitys and that means
that i'm more active on those than on my own journal.
Unfortunately i don't post much or frequently here but when
i do it will most likely be to to post pictures of the various things i buy
and maybe to write about what i'm reading & watching and
other things related to my fandoms.

(Sanji bb)

This will not be a journal where i write a lot about myself and what's going on
in my personal life. i am way too shy and boring for that haha.
i don't think i'll write much about my other interests here either, maybe??
For now this journal is about the big part of my personality that loves BL & anime.

Even though i've had this journal many years now i guess i'm still feeling
shy when it comes to approching people here so i
haven't really made any serious efforts in friending people.
The fact that i'm feeling self concious & insecure doesn't make it less harder i guess.
Don't let this lenghty "sticky" introduction post fool you
(i just really enjoy writing a lot)
because in reality i'm generally very shy, bit quiet
and can be kinda low-key and reserved especially around
people that i don't know well.
i'm definitely not someone anyone should feel shy about approaching
since i'm most likely the one who is more awkward halp orz
/ omg i used the word "shy" a lot here didn't i?


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