Jul 22, 2009 21:27
I see Burton has a new film out...
well.. when I say out I mean that he has begun the MASS HYPE TWO YEAR BUILD UP that seems to accompany these things!
I like Burton's stuff well enough. Its cute to look at and its not going to make me think too hard. However, I am getting VERY bored of the same damn story with the same damn people in slightly different costumes.
On a more specific note Mr B has clearly not read AiW... or maybe he did .. when he was drunk.. once.. a long time ago.. and has forgotten that the Tweedles, The Jabberwocky and the White Queen are NOT IN THE DAMN BOOK!
He's also missing most of what makes the book the work of nonsense art that it is.
I adore Alice, I really do; the book is complex clever piece of writing over laid with a wonderful whimsical story with lashes of gentle morality - everything a good Victorian children story should be.
I will I am sure go and see it and I will like it for what I like about Burton, but I do wonder when the one trick ceases to be magic.