Nov 17, 2005 17:22
Everyone else is doing it....
So, Winter Courses
MUSI 121 Music in Western Civilization. - Uh, me, the fourth year music major who has already taken three quarters of Music History focusing only on the Western world, and a bunch of dumb first years. Hott.
MUSI 25700 Cognitive Science and Music Analysis - LarryZ is teaching this, and his book on the subject won some big music theory award... plus LarryZ is just pretty cool.
COVA 24106 Precarious Forms - I mean, how could I resist? Precarious Forms? I need to take at least one ridiculously named course while here, and this one sounds pretty interesting. It's drawing with objects and studying the stability of composition and form. I've also been in a class with the professor for one day, and she seems pretty cool.
So, you know, if I'm super stressed out next quarter, and am just working all the time, you'll know why.
Oh wait, next quarter is going to rock.