Родительские руки

Apr 30, 2015 20:35

Denis Dailleux, Agence VU, Bawab et son fils, le Caire, Egypt, 1992-1997

Yannis Kontos Polaris Abu Bakarr Kargbo, 31, was one of the thousands of amputees afflicted by the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) atrocities during the civil war that devastated Sierra Leone from 1991-2002.

Denis Dailleux, Agence VU, Apprenti dans la Gamaleya, le Caire, Egypt, 1992-1997

Gérard Luthy. Maxence. 1991

Ovie Carter 1974

Steve McCurry, Kabul, Afghanistan, 1992.

Steve McCurry, Luzon, Philippines, 1986

Antanas Sutkus, The Mother’s Hand 1966

Henri Cartier-Bresson, Mexico (girl with braids), 1934

Cristina Garcia Rodero, Hopital Sugdidi, Georgie, 1995

Bill Eppridge, 1964, Mrs. Chaney and young Ben, James Chaney funeral, Meridian, Mississippi

Leon Levinstein - Black Woman and Child, 1956

Nicholas Nixon - Joel Geiger, Perkins School for the Blind 1992

Mariana Yampolsky, San Simón de la Laguna, Estado de México 1988

W. Eugene Smith, South Carolina, 1951

Mehdi Monem, Les victimes de la guerre Iran-Irak, 2005-2010

George Krause, ‘Fingernails’, Houston, 1975

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