I don't know when I'll get back up to Stillwater; gas money and time are issues. I also have a little sticker on my car claiming that my next regular tuneup on my car should have been a few hundred miles back, but that's fixable with an exacto knife.
I'd be happy to entertain guests here, but there's not a whole lot to do, and the couch is not mine to unilaterally offer. I'm off the 28th, and could probably get a day off with a couple weeks warning. Just give me enough warning that I can clean up some. I'll try and get a second GameCube controller at some point, too.
Speaking of the GameCube, I finished one of the stories of Sonic Heros. There's four sets of characters you can run through slight variations on the same storyline, and I got Amy, Cream and Big to defeat Dr. Eggman's last megarobot. From the horror stories Painter told me of the ending of Sonic Adventure, this ending was incredibly brief. Not much in cut scenes in the whole game, though they were decently rendered.
[Edit: Though I really do prefer Sally Acorn to Amy. Amy is so pathetic with the way she runs through this entire life-threatening adventure so she can find her Sonic, who doesn't even really like her. Give me someone like Sally Acorn who knows when to run her eyes at Sonic any day.]
I've picked up most of what I was looking for game-wise that's out. Tales of Symphonia is still on my list; I may pick it up when I'm in Enid next. The Wind Waker is, but I plan to finish Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask first. Sonic Gems Collection (in Wal-Mart's dump bin at $20) keeps calling to me, but it has the minor problem that I'd never play it. It has Sonic CD, Sonic Fighters, and Sonic R (a racing game), plus a bunch of GameGear games. What would I ever play on there? Vectorman, perhaps? But if I picked it up, about all I'd be missing of the early Sonic is the GameGear games not available for GameCube because the GameCube discs are too small to put them on the Mega Collection, like was done for the PS2.
I really ought to go to bed. I had yesterday off, but to kiss boss ass, I offered to come in tomorrow, as everyone decided to quit as a bunch. Also, it's another 50 bucks. (Quiting is striking me as an increasingly good idea, but I can't afford to just quit. I'm working this job so I can go back to school, and I'm going back to school so I don't have to work this job. Sigh.) So I've got to go in at 11:00. It wouldn't be bad if I had anything approaching a regular schedule, but I don't.
My computer still isn't working; I'm going to pick up a power supply next time I'm in Enid, which may fix it. But I've decided to continue to supply books to Distributed Proofreaders despite that, uploading a couple books from the
Library of Congress's Dancing collection, "A treatise on the art of dancing" (1772) and the wonderful anti-dancing "From the ball-room to hell" (1892), and a couple books from
the Posner collection, "One hundred books famous in English literature" (1902) and its companion volume, "Bibliographical notes on one hundred books famous in English literature" (1903).