Jul 03, 2012 07:55
I'm still caught between traveling and settling in; wrapping up old projects and starting the new; processing the parts of my life that have changed and adapting to the conditions that I get to help create.
I got to visit Lisbon for a conference, which was marvelous and full of sardines and vinho verde; I got to see some of my folklore-foodie friends in Philly; and I've been emailing and collaborating (with academics, dance, etc) with friends both near and far, which has been both challenging and stimulating.
This is, I suppose my month of break, since I only have a few book reviews to write, plus a writing project to wrap up, none of which come with deadlines. This is the first time in more years than I can count that I haven't had a pressing deadline hanging over my head. I guess I'm due for a bit of a break, since I've come dangerously close to burn-out in the past.
My plan is to do a lot of yoga, continue to ease back into running, and do a lot of dancing and hooping in preparation for GenCon, which is always a blast to perform at. I'll cook, and read some novels, and catch up on movies (finally saw "Snow White and the Huntsman"; it wasn't as bad as I'd feared, but not particularly good either).
So, yeah. I get to relax and enjoy my summer now (apart from the miserable heat and humidity).