Long time no post. My whirlwind trip back to America for a conference was largely a success; I gave a paper, saw old friends, met new friends, got in some delicious food, and somehow didn't collapse from either jet lag or sleep deprivation (pro tip: don't start a conference with sleep dept).
Dissertation-writing is continuing apace, and that's all I can really state with certainty for now. I'm sure in a few weeks I'll have plenty to complain about when the weather drops to freezing and there's ZOMG SNOW everywhere, but for now I am just skimming by.
Started reading Anansi Boys for the first time, after recently rereading American Gods, so that's been enjoyable. Oh, and I need to read some China Mieville since he's one of the GoHs at ICFA--I already asked for recs on the social media I use more than LJ these days, but I figure it couldn't hurt to ask here (same with Kelly Link, as I've only read one story of hers, "The Library").
Oh, and just to offer something that might be entertaining, here's
video of one of my hooping performances here in Estonia. It is quite possibly the first hooping performance recorded in this country.