January has been a bit of a trial thus far: lots of worries and troubles, and also lots to look forward to, but it's been hard to get my mouth around the stress-sandwich that my life has been lately.
I've been reflecting a bit on 2010, though, and I think I met most of the
scattered goals I'd set last year. I trained for and kicked ass in a half-
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Comments 8
I saw a Dr. Oz show the other day about hooping and how good it can be for losing weight and for the bod. It looked pretty neat. I'm considering getting into it. Do you have any recommendations on videos or books or websites to learn what's up and how to do it? Where to get a good hoop. I'd be into things about its effects on the body too. Thanks in advance if you can hook me up.
I can try to remember to measure my beginner hoop's diameter when I have a spare moment in case you want to try ordering one on the internet (that's also where you can find the Hoopnotica DVDs)... but in the meantime, you can look for local hoopers in your area (they're, like, everywhere now) and see if any stores like boutiques or fitness specialists carry hoops, since they're becoming really popular.
Especially this -- >
"I realized recently that my creative life is inextricable from my life as a scholar; academics shouldn't have to apologize for having hobbies outside academia--if anything, they make us better scholars. Flexing your mind outside of your primary research and teaching areas is always going to be valuable and useful, making you more inventive, more inspired, more inspiring."
Yes, Yes, Yes!
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