Tarot Reading to Unveil the New Year

Jan 15, 2006 16:21

I don't really feel bound by the calendar year, and I believe and feel more strongly about other measurements of time, cycles in nature, even astrological movements. Nevertheless, I made a tarot reading for the New Year. The question basically was: What does this New Year hold in store, especially things I'm not aware of?

Two of Wands - Reversed in the Jupiter position.
Seven of Cups - Reversed in the Saturn position.

Be aware of stagnation. The Wands are about action. This is not a time to stand still.
Be aware of being overcome by the power of these distractions. They may be enticing and you enjoy entertaining them for a time, but you may regret that choice in the long run.

The Hermit in the Mercury position.
Death in the Venus position.
The World - Reversed in the Mars position.

The message of The Hermit is one of self-knowledge. It is time for you to withdraw, contemplate what you know, and make sure your beliefs reflect the leading of your own heart. Now you must learn who you and what you believe. Then you can trust yourself without depending on the opinions of others.
The message of Death is that spiritual growth brings pain. It isn’t easy to let go of certain behaviors or beliefs, to admit errors in thought and practice. Without negating the magnitude of ego-death, the emblems of what is to come--greater spiritual strength--remind us that the endeavor is not without its reward.
Be aware of a false sense of security. In theory, The World represents total completion. However, in our human lives, this is never really achieved. But because we are human still, we can achieve only partial or temporary oneness. These temporary or partial experiences encourage to keep growing and moving forward, if for no other reason than to experience that exquisite freedom and understanding again.

Nine of Wands - Reversed in the Moon position.
The Sun in the Sun position.

Be aware of despair. While the situation is difficult and perhaps confusing, do not give up. Withdraw to heal and learn not to escape life.
The message of The Sun is that of peaceful contentment with the world and its workings. You understand what you can and don’t fret about what you don’t. You understand yourself and your role in the universe, as much as you can anyhow, and you are okay with that, too. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

Now, I made this reading a few weeks back, before the New Year of course, and it's always interesting to take a look back and even interpret it again in hindsight
In the Jupiter position, symbolizing growth and moving forward, I have the Two of Wands - Reversed. I am at a crossroads and there are decisions to be made, which I am not making. This is very true, as I am in the middle of several projects, many of them very personal, regarding my personal growth and evolution (such as my health and body, love and relationships) many of them interconnected, and realistically, most of them are in my hands.

In the Saturn position - what will hold me back - I have a clear warning from the Seven of Cups - Reversed: Do not be distracted from what you really want. The heart (cups) has many desires, some of them more enjoyable, though not all are filling and fulfilling. The Seven warns of careful assessment and deciding which is really valuable. In my case, the first thing that comes to mind is the pursuit of sex, distracting from the search for meaningful friendships and love.

The next cards are positioned with the three planets correspond to three aspects of personal life. Mercury represents the mind, work, and daily routine, and in this position, I have the stable Hermit from the major arcana. This year, I will know myself more, know what I believe in and believe in what I know, especially when it comes to career. I may also find myself working alone, or in a position with a large degree of autonomy, but that is no different from things now. Even the consolidation of knowledge and career skills, that is steady on a predictable path.

For Venus, representing love and relationships, I have the very powerful and fearsome Death card. Somehow, I'm not scared of this, and to a certain degree, I might even welcome it. Incidentally, in my astrological natal chart, I have my Venus in trine (favorably aligned) with Pluto, so the themes of romance and death, love and transformation, a love where one loses one's self, are all familiar to me. To have a transformation in my present state of relationship (which is none), to change the way I love or how I relate with friends and lovers, or even end relationships that are dead or deadening to me - all this is welcome!

And for Mars, the planet for struggles, conflict, lust, passion, and virility, I have the topsy-turvy card of The World - Reversed. As it is, I already feel this, like my world is turning upside-down and I'm in over my head. In fact, I've started to believe that in order to grow, I really must get out of my comfort zone - the world as I believed it. I've begun with one project, taking up lessons with an old friend - and there are more activities that I'd probably go out and do (wall climbing and ice skating, off the top of my head). Of course, there is also the mental comfort zones - the way of thinking, of behaving, of expecting from others, and of reacting - basically, how I thought the world works. I think I have to push this a bit more, out there and in the open.

Finally, the two cards for the two planets most integral to the self: The Moon and The Sun. The innermost self, the subconscious drives and desires, private emotions and inner experience of life, represented by The Moon, I have Nine of Wands - Reversed. Even as I write this, I already know what this card means: the feeling of defeat, despair of what's going on in my life, in spite of my recent efforts. Although on an intellectual, mental level, I know that logically, I cannot expect immediate results for recent efforts, the feeling of defeat is still real. Seeing this card now, actually, is comforting. Knowing that defeat, falling, failing, is on the path, before accomplishment is achieved, actually makes me stronger to face it. Another lesson, from the reversed Nine, is to look at back the Eight of Wands, a card about strength and the harmoniously flow of power. If I can recall or relearn the lesson of the Eight, that I have the strength in me to achieve, then I can get past the reversal of the Nine.

And the happiest of all the cards in the spread isThe Sun in the planetary position for fame and achievement, and the actualization of the self, The Sun. Like the reading says, it can't get any better than this. One thing this card reminds me is that there is a lot of happiness in my life and a lot to be happy about with my self. Another thing is that this brightest of cards in this most significant position - doubly powerful, considering their joint meanings! - will give me to the strength to overturn the struggles of, say, the Reversed World in Mars or the feelings of defeat with the Nine of Wands - Reversed on The Moon.

In fact, looking at the reading as a whole, with four reversed cards, it seems I have a lot of difficulties ahead this New Year - most of which will I will have to work on by myself. But the three upright cards, all powerful and unshakable major arcana: The Hermit, Death, and The Sun in The Sun position should be enough to get me through for a happy New Year.
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