Yeah, uh-huh

Aug 21, 2007 00:19

I just want to take a little moment to say LMFAO (in huge caps) to Bridget. I just got off the phone with her and she told me that her white American boyfriend is a minority. Mother fuckin LOL.

Yes, all those times when he gets pulled over because the cops are suspicious of him because he's white are evidence! And the fact that he always gets discriminated against by people in authority is too! Oh, and what about that time that people were shooting him dirty looks when he took the bus with his differently-colored girlfriend? Or that time he had all those racial slurs yelled at him because he was white?*

Oh wait.

My boyfriend got stopped by the police because he was racing me from the quad. The way and the things the cop said to me made it evident that it was because Juan is Hispanic.

There is a very famous story here about a girl at UA who rushed twice for sororities and failed to get into a single one. (For those unacquainted with the Greek system, rushing is where sororities get to know you and make their choice as to which girls get into which sororities. Generally there aren't a lot of rejects, and nobody has been rejected twice at our school except this girl.) She rushed historically white sororities. She is black. Nobody has so much as apologized or made any excuses for their behavior because they think can get away with it here.

I still pull in flak from people around here because my boyfriend is significantly darker than me, and it is just bizarre for a white-looking girl and a Mexican guy to be together.

And from a couple (Bridget and Brian) who think it is acceptable to say, "N***a, please" when they pick up the phone, when they're hanging out, or generally anytime they talk... well, I think that speaks for itself.

The three girls I share a room with? Are minority women. My boyfriend and his roommate? Are minority men. All three of my line brothers (who are black)? Minority men. My line sisters? Minority women. My own mother, of whom I was born? A minority woman. So don't EVEN try to tell me that a white, homeschooled male is a minority in this country. Why don't you go telling that to the "dirty Mexicans" your brother jokingly sics his dog on, or the African-American friends of mine whose mouths fall to the ground when they hear Brian's voicemail message of, "N***a please! I'm busy", or any of the other ACTUAL minorities that you don't give a damn about offending?

I'm sick of Bridget thinking she can get away with racist comments like this (and believe me, there have been plenty more), especially to a Latina woman. Just because Lena does not acknowledge that she is just as Hispanic as me - her last name is Garza for crying out loud - I am supposed to be the "Mexican one lol!" in the group. Lena would rather be German or Creole. I am Polish and Czech as well as Mexican, and it is possible to be proud of both sides to your heritage, you know.

In any case, a huge LOL at Bridget for thinking that "white males are a minority, you know!" would fly well with a Hispanic woman who has seen some ugly racism first-hand... especially from people she met through the person in question.

*I am fully aware that there are indeed racial slurs against white people, but not only do they not have the historical impact that others do, they aren't used as frequently as ones geared towards non-white minorities in today's society. Just as I am aware that discrimination does not mean "white people discriminating against someone", but "anybody discriminating against anyone". Reverse discrimination is such a bullshit word; discrimination is discrimination no matter who does it and who receives it.

rants, you have got to be kidding me, bridget

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