(no subject)

Dec 27, 2006 13:58

I think that I'm the only fan of As The World Turns that still cares about the show left. Or at least that's the way things are looking.

I'm having issues with the SoapCentral.Com boards right now. Actually, I had a minor tiff with them when I first joined, in early 2006. At that point I was so used to boards like GAFF, where I lurked and where it is de rigeur to not hold back punches and be snarky, that I posted some fairly sarcastic posts on the ATWT board. However, I kept it to one thread and that thread alone. The posts were quickly deleted and I got a reminder from the mods about how to interact with other posters. It really wasn't a big deal, so I just made fun of myself for a little bit with my friends and we let it be.

Recently, the people and mods on that board are really getting under my skin. God forbid ANYONE like a single one of the storylines and the potential that they have, because if you do you're obviously an uncultured moron and don't deserve their time. The board has devolved into puke-emoticons and bitching about how much characters suck. And see, I don't mind that, because it's their opinion. You wanna hate Meg, fine, go right ahead. Idolize Paul and Emily together? Whatever, it's your opinion. I may not agree with you, but that's okay.

It's when posts that are in line with whatever the mods say are allowed to be as rude and ad hominum as they want, but any posts or threads disagreeing with them are deleted, that I draw the line. That is ridiculous. It's a public board. Yes, it's fan-run, but that doesn't mean that you get to decide who has to pay attention to the rules and who doesn't. Just because I tell RogerHfan to chill the fuck out (but NOT in those words; mine were worded much more politely and civilly) does not warrant that post deleted. Especially when RogerHfan gets to deride who s/h/it wants, whether on the show OR a real person on the boards.

But noooo, I forgot, s/h/it is totally right in all of their opinions, and I'm not! So winterguy125 can delete my comments and bitch some more about how shitty the show is now. I mean, he's totally justified, right?

Look, it's not as if you can't just stop watching the show. When Guiding Light started going to pot (in my opinion) by recasting Cassie with Nicole Forrester and proceeded to change her entire character and then the entire show just to suit her, I quit. I don't watch it anymore. I can't. I despise the direction it's gone in, and for god's sake it is just a show! My life didn't end when I quit watching GL, a soap I have been watching since I was eight years old. Yes, compared to some of these people, I haven't been watching soaps that long, but my mother quit. She's been watching GL since way before I was born. That's at least over eighteen years. If she didn't die by quitting, you people won't either. You can then proceed to leave the rest of the fans the fuck alone by getting the hell out of our fandom. Some of us do actually enjoy the show and don't appreciate being attacked every time we voice our opinions.

And if you don't leave the fandom, then STFU. Whining about how much the show sucks and how they're going to lose a viewer every time TPTB do something that you don't agree with, but actually staying, doesn't mean jack shit. All it does is show that you're a whiny bitch who's whoring for attention. Either follow through and stop watching if you hate it that much, or keep watching and shut the fuck up.

Ugh. *towels self off* That's enough from me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find a decent ATWT comm where the mods aren't so bitchy, hypocritical, and self-serving.

rants, fandom, soap operas

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