Mar 09, 2006 20:14
as usual, it's been a while. i've actually found something that can be considered a free night (meaning that i'm home at 7:30 and don't have anywhere else to go), so i'm taking advantage of it and getting some school/band stuff done. and updating, obviously.
not much excitement in my life right now. work is work, etc. etc., concert festival is in a little over a week, the Model UN conference is in two weeks, and my grades rock.
i'm not prepared for Model UN OR concert festival, but i will be. i always am. =P
i'm quite sad that i'm not on the All-State trip right now...less because i'm upset that i didn't make it and more because i miss the people (person?) on it.
EVERYONE is sick. i feel like i'm in one of those horror movies where everyone gets killed off one by one, until the main character realizes that she's all by herself and pretty much doomed. my kindergarteners are sick, my after-schoolers are sick, Jess is sick, Ms. Moore is sick, Thomas is sick, Christian might be sick, other random ppl are sick...sick sick sick. i'm pleased to inform you all, however, that i have been faithfully taking a Flintstone vitamin every day. =D
we got a new modem! the old one was screwy. this one is like...half the size, and twice as pimp. <3
just for the record, i have extreme senioritis. if you want me to do something, expect me to complain and/or procrastinate (not like i didn't before). i don't want to play the trombone anymore (even though i'm becoming pretty decent), i don't want to order my senior pictures (even though i need to), i don't want to write any more essays in english, i don't want to research Kenya, and i definately do not want to pack up my room (we're putting our house on the market in like...a month).
i do want to go on that band trip in May, though. and Campbell totally promised me a fishing trip on his new boat <3
for future reference, peanut butter is my cure-all for PMS and just bad moods in general. if i'm stressed or agitated or if i hate you at a specific moment, just give me peanut butter. <3
i think that's about it, b/c my life is dull (and that's FANTASTIC b/c drama sucks egggggs).