In light of the Democrats taking back the Senate and the House, I couldn't help but giggle helplessly as I thought of Liberality for All, a comicbook Sean "Inanity" Hannity produced late last year. Here's the synopsis:
‘It is 2021, tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of 9/11. America is under oppression by ultra-liberal extremists who have surrendered governing authority to the United Nations. Hate speech legislation called the “Coulter Laws” have forced vocal conservatives underground. A group of bio-mechanically enhanced conservatives led by Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, and a young man born on September 11, 2001, set out to thwart Ambassador Usama bin Laden's plans to nuke New York City.'
Yes. That's exactly what's going to happen now. And I can't wait! It sounds like a dream land, really. Except the Bin Laden stuff, but I can live with that as long as the editorial staff of Fox News takes a dirt nap.
Read the "full synopsis" here: The only immediate reply I have is this: I wonder if their "bio-mechanical" enhancements had anything to do with baby-killing stem cell research Orwellian liberals are always trying to force on them? Damn you, Michael J. Fox!!
I've been working on a research paper about popular culture and propaganda during the two World Wars, and this is as crazy as any "Slap a Jap" Captain America comic I ever saw.