Sep 30, 2006 18:55
the highlight of my day:
this woman comes in who already raised hell lastnight with someone about her malfunct lime squeeze. the "man" so to say told us to refund her for the product and let her keep it. why would you want to keep something if it's broken (first of all)? so on we go to the return and because it was returned to coffee and tea there was no tax added, so i accidentally jiped her like thirty-two cents. so i go on to fix the problem and she pulls out this reciept and i tell her well, in this case i need the credit card to put it back on the card... because, by law that is what you must do. she refuses to sign the return slip, crosses her name all out, takes the sheet screaming that i'm an idiot, worthless, treating her like "this". THEN the shifty comes and lets her have it... ma'am we need this slip you can't take it with you. WELL I WANT THE SLIP YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!! then, she waves her american express in my face and says, do you have one of these? no because you're trash. i've had this card since 1976. accuses me of thinking i "got her real good" to which i replied, "oh yeah, i got you real good for thirty-two cents." the lady continues screaming about how she knew that i was an idiot and that when she came over to return the product that i would screw it up somehow. (bitch) thennn she starts bitching about how we're treating her so terribly and how she can't believe this, yada yada yada... then a customer behind her screams at her, "maybe it's because you're treating everyone around you like shit!" the lady gets flustered and says "who are you! go away!" then complains about how her blood sugar is going up and this and that... the shifty tells her she has to go. she shoves the product onto the shiftys chest and says, "i don't need your crap, take your trash!!!" then the shifty had the deputy follow her out, run her plates... and banned her from the store.
this is why you don't fuck with me at work. you will be banned because i am sweet as pie.