meet me in the city

Dec 15, 2005 16:16

well guys, what can i say i guess im a sucker for it. head over flippin mint green stilettoes for the guy.. arent i clever? the thing is, this time i really feel like ive got nothing to worry about. he's just beautiful - im feeling really, really lucky. even his 3am texts are lovely! friday at his was great, it being our first night properly alone together we had time to chill out n talk and it hit me then that im actually really falling for him, like big style. so there was lots of time for kissing and everything along with it - dont worry im not about to divulge all the naked details but my god we were soclose. ♥♥♥ i just feel so comfortable with him, even in my most birthday-est of suits i didnt even care and i just love the feel of his skin on mine. being with him is the most fun ever, and he is proving to be rather adventurous  ;)  but we've decided to wait a while before the sex, basically we werent sure if it was too soon for us and though i felt so fucking compelled to just get to it.. he even said the last thing he wants to happen is for us to get messed up. but he made sure i knew he "wasnt going anywhere" and even later when we were just lying there and i had his big, beautiful arms around me... i was a jolly little lady yes :)  everything about us right now just feels so perfect, we can talk, have a laugh, slob around, go out and be intimate and everything and *hopes its always like this* he gives me the shivers.

but ill stop now. what else? oh yeah, the foos were awesome on montag! but fuck man you just cant beat an oasis gig, nothing like it ever. the crowd was really rough, i went down in the pit, theres bruises on my chest and everything! attempted a firstevercrowdsurf also :) haha it started of good but well, thb it was pretty pathetic. theres seriously no match for it! ...but as we expected they didnt play the girl in the dirty shirt :'(

but well tongiht is a jolly night in on me tod with flippin english essays cos theres no other time to do it  :s  werks nite out on sunday - should be good, me n scott are plannin an all day - all night scout about/piss up! haha ill be a wreck on monday, and weve got that timed CR. man english sucks ass. but bubye for now, hungry beaver out *salute* xXxXx
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