Jan 25, 2005 05:18
well, thats most of what i had to say
i have no single answer to the questions or charges that may be sent against my approach or method, and they may be quite valid. i know that there are many who have been abused, especially by religion or the church, and their experience of the direct presence or intervention of Jesus is blocked by many obstacles. but here is where i would be likely to become more pro-active, to see about clearing out some of this wreckage or (to change the metaphor) "healing" some of this inner wounding so that the way will be open to inviting Jesus in to fight our psychic battles and be our hero. i have found that he delights in this role; he has given us the picture of himself as the good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep, and other pictures where he says he will continue to care for us and to be on call when we need him. this includes outer things like jobs and money and physical health, but my worldview holds inner stuff to be much more important, and i find that to be where he delights to show up and shine.
i think it's safe (and a very good idea!) to come to him as little children and to trust him to be there for us and especially to protect and provide for us.
love to all