Adventures in Misanthropy pt 2

Jun 13, 2006 21:19

Well, today I got FREE girl scout cookies.
And I'll I had to do was take a BRUTAL clubbing to the knee.


In work related news...

If you are an utter waste of time, and you are being chastised for it by me..
Here are couple things that will NOT help your situation...
1. Trying to relate your sob story to mine. My situation is worse than yours. And if my situation isn't used as an excuse to be a weak piece of crap, yours cannot be either.

2. Getting an attitude. That only makes me want to break you.

3. Ignoring me. That is a sure fire way to get me irrationally angry. Ask my ex.

4. Crying. You are already being smoked for being a poster child for sterilzation of the stupid. Why would you then start crying? Especially if it's not necessary? Or real? I have sympathy. This is not the way to get it from me on the job. Off the job? Cry away, I'll drink a beer with you and try and talk you through it.

I hate to sound unsympathetic. But, there all lots of days when I'd love nothing more than to curl up in the fetal position and bawl my eyes out. There are days when I'm paralyzed with fears concerning my children and I don't want to get out of bed. But, I do. I work beyond human expectations and limits to take my mind off everything else. I don't expect anything less out of my soldiers.
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