Feb 16, 2005 12:00
So I go to BiGala and everything is Kosher. WRONG
Not only does this 2-week-mistake fling show up and makes me feel completely out-of-place and off-standish-like, he brings the guy that I could seriously live without seeing again.
That's not even the icing on the cake! After the meeting, Shawna and I agree to go to the library and do some brush-up studying for our classes. We're driving along the road from Doc Bryan to Pendergrass and lo-and-be-fucking-hold, the guy that I could seriously live without seeing again calls me and demands why I didn't say Hi to him at the meeting. I told him that maybe it would be wise to delete my name and number out of his phonebook and hung up. But the bastard still persisted on talking to me through Yahoo! messenger as soon as I logged on. He couldn't understand WHY I was being an asshole to him (I told him). And then told me that I had no reason to be so hateful and cold (I told him I didn't like him). So then he told me he didn't like me, and it was just a bunch of white-trash, honkey B.S. word vomit after it because I said it would be easier if he just pissed off and left me alone.
So he threatened me. Then told me (specifically) who hated me (which turn out to be lies?) and that I was a whore, a bitch, and a cold-hearted bastard.
I hate it when people: 1) lie to me 2)threaten me 3)break my will by using people against me. Utilizing all three against me got me to the point of tears.
Side Note: You'd think that I'd just ignore him or sign off the messenger and walk away, but I was overly-optimistic that I could get the "I don't like you, you don't like me, why are you still trying to be friends and then stab at me with spiteful comments when I tell you I don't like you?" through his head and not have to worry about it EVER again. *sigh* Whatever.
I hate boys.