punch in the face

Jan 07, 2006 19:07

today i went back to tae kwon do for the first time since the end of june. i hurt so bad. i have lost any semblence of flexibility and stanmina that i once had. hopefully the schedule i've chosen will put me on a fast track to getting those things back.

and in other news:
tok essay
reading log
sorrow of war.

is it me, or do they plan it this way?

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feather_of_maat January 8 2006, 03:56:30 UTC
Your icon is grammatically incorrect :)

Ok... I need help. :P


she_flowers January 8 2006, 03:57:57 UTC
haha, yeah I noticed that but refrained. =]


space_ships January 8 2006, 04:54:55 UTC
do you guys mean the 'i hurt so bad'?


she_flowers January 8 2006, 05:19:44 UTC
no, in the icon, it says "if stupidity was".. it should be were.
eh, no biggie really


prophetbynight January 8 2006, 20:35:24 UTC
yes, i know, it should be were to indicate the conditional but what can i do...let's just say it's ironic.

but it's such a great icon.


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