Aug 09, 2005 19:12
What a fucking palava that was!
not to people in general.
DO NOT sit in a meeting and not know who the centre mananger is, AND then go on to slag off the management, stating (rightly so) that there seems to be an incredible lack of communication between client and provider, stating that more one to one sessions should be provided and the management team should stop viewing those working as figures or cheap labour......AND THEN have the rather stern looking woman who is writing all this dow introduce herself as the Centre manager......hmmmmmmmmmmm!
Bah, worked sucked today. we MUST leave the centre by quarter to half ten rolls around and guess what my boss still hasn't shown up! and then when we finally get to the collage to do todays task...building vegetable planters and find out...OOOOOoooOOOO we didn't need to bring all the gear cause it was already there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fucking amatures!
ah well other than that its been a good day.
hows you guys?
xx xx