Newly accredited Master artisan, specializing in portraiture, seeks patronage.
Accomplished in both Muggle and Wizarding styles.
Also skilled in graphic design and layout (retail signage/adverts).
Will work on commission.
Contact Dean Thomas for more details.
Healing Hands of Hogsmeade.
Small, family-oriented clinic conveniently located in Hogsmeade.
Now accepting new clients.
Professional Medi-Witch and Master Potions Maker on staff.
We look forward to taking care of your family and welcoming you into ours!
Happy Hearth Bakery, Hogsmeade.
4 positions open. Seeking waitstaff, dishwasher, owl order clerk.
Food handling exp not necessary, but a plus.
Contact Hannah Abbott.
Knight bus driver wanted.
Apply to the Department of Magical Transportation, Ministry of Magic.
Driver's permit not required.
Bean counter.
Bertie Bott's Bean Factory, Sussex.
Afternoon playmate for elderly gentleman.
Wine tasting, water sports, and spankings. Trannies welcome.
Send snaps to Murdock Mason.
In Hyde Park. Floral print. Sentimental value.
If found, please return to Dorcas Pearce.
If found, please contact Abigail Normal.
50 meter tall statue of Merlin.
Contact Horace Plott.
Temperamental gray kneazle.
Answers to Satana.
If found, please contact Marian Fade. Do not approach.
One left shoe.
Contact Barley Colfinn.
Newly weened crups.
Tawny-colored. 5 females. 4 males.
Slightly-used bedpan
Pewter plated. 5 Sickles.
Contact Wallace Croft.