(no subject)

Nov 16, 2005 18:22

It's been a long time since I've posted anything of substance.

In the last year I've gotten married (yeah I know) and have started a business. I've also gotten a new kitten, and a new car. Most of these things are important enough to share, especially with my friends on livejournal, but I do admit that I am very "tightlipped" ("so to speak"). hah

In case I'm confusing anyone, I am married to forsaken, better known as Autumn. We're pretty hip together, I think. I'm happy, I'm in a good position in life right now. We have our kids (our four cats), and we aren't terribly poor. Things look like they're going to get a lot better soon with my business opening soon.

The business is called The LAN Gaming Center (video games). It's right off of the Main St in town. We're opening with 12 computers, we're supposed to have 5+ Xbox 360 units with HD tv's, but with the nationwide shortage that doesn't look very good right now. Fortunatly I can wait. I've been working for the city in the Code Enforcement department. Lately I've gained a sort of MVP status there because I am good with computers and database sytems. I dont' really do much work there now, so the job is pretty swell. I'm going to keep working there after my shop opens. Being at City Hall has proven a pretty sweet source of connections. We have a new mayor-elect, I plan on meeting with him after he gets into office. I'm good friends with our city Clerk (who is basically the Deputy Mayor), he's the second gay guy i've met in this place, naturally we get along very well. I wish I worked in his office cause whenever I go to his office to talk I end up staying for over half an hour. Not doing much work is one thing, but not actually being at my desk is another...

Anyway, before I ramble along too much I better stop. I dont' want to ruin this by writing too much. To sum up everything, I'm semi-successful, I've *groan* settled down. I'm pretty satisfied.
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