In response to one of the notes in my journal a couple of days ago, I met Luna Lovegood at the Leaky Cauldron for a drink during my lunchbreak. To say the least, I was rather surprised. I remembered her being quite a bit odder than she appeared to be. Of course, my mind might just be going off of rumors and whispers since I didn't really know her during school. Parvati would have had a fit if I had tried. 'Bad for your reputation to be caught talking to outcasts. Unless, of course, you're Harry Potter.'
Frankly, I'm kicking myself for ever bothering to listen to my sister on matters like that. Then I would have been friends with decent people like Luna rather than having to put up with pathetic airheaded excuses for Ravenclaws like Marietta Edgecomb and Cho Chang. Which, now that I consider it, is a horrible thing to say/think since they're both dead. I really need to learn to turn on my censor when I'm writing. Thank Merlin this is a private entry. I'd hate to get rabid replies because I'm speaking ill of the dead.
Luna and I talked about normal things like what we've been up to, where we are now, the devolution of journalism. She asked if I'd ever considered writing. Well, the answer is yes, of course I've considered it. What person with half a brain and a love for the written word hasn't considered becoming a writer? It's just not practical, really.
And I can say it's not practical until I'm blue in the face. My dowry, which I certainly don't plan on ever having to hand over, is more than enough to support a small country for neigh on ten years. It's a little discouraging that my father thinks he has to pay so much to unburden himself of me. I bet Parvati's isn't nearly as much. Merlin, why do I digress so much?! Argh, boss called the Trainees to gather. I'll finish this later.