May 24, 2005 14:54
100 Things I Loathe
1) Betrayal.
2) The Killers.
3) People who confuse "to, too, and two".
4) People who use abbreviations while speaking.
5) People who confuse "your and you're".
6) People who confuse "their, there, and they're" (Yes I'm a grammar
7) Getting four phone calls on the same day. From the same person.
8) Phone calls ^_^
9) My AIM, because it takes eight years to send one freaking IM.
10) People who over quote movies that weren't even that funny to begin with.
11) Movies that try to be funny but aren't.
12) Having a song stuck in my head.
13) Being tired.
14) People who crave attention and then act like they don't want it.
15) Fake people.
16) People who use internet slang while speaking.
17) People who are in my grade or younger and claim to be in love.
18) People who claim that they're always there for you to talk to, and then
bail when you need them.
19) PeOpLe WhO tYpE lIkE tHiS bEcAuSe ThEy ThInK iT's CoOl
20) People who interrupt me to get me to shut up.
21) Oblivious people
22) Intolerance
23) The word "faggot"...It looks like maggot, how horrible is that?!
24) The word "retard"...Anyone who uses it in a rude way should be
25) Writing essays
26) Hypocrites...and yes I am one, shut up.
27) The Rugrats.
28) People who think they can get away with everything...but can't get away
with anything.
29) Creative writings assignments.
30) The song Hey Ya.
31) People who talk about each other behind their backs but think that the
other person can't hear them.
32) People who brag about their talent but actually suck.
33) Curfews...Lucky I don't have one, huh?
34) Bologna.
35) People who make false promises.
36) People who take a breakup as a permanent farewell.
37) Insults to my family. Come up with a new one, guys.
38) The people who hate stuff just for the sake of hating it.
39) The people who like stuff just for the sake of liking it.
40) People who brag about getting high. Big accomplishment.
41) People who brag about having sex. Do they realize no one wants to hear it?
42) People who answer rhetorical questions.
43) Sweating.
44) Forgetting to shower.
45) Monkeys. I don't know why, they just skeeve me.
46) Walking my dogs.
47) Cleaning my guinea pigs' cages.
48) People moving.
49) Prime numbers.
50) Seeing the glass half empty instead of half full.
51) Those horrible people who always seem to make your day worse by just
52) IMing someone and they sign off right after you say hello.
53) The tags on the bottom of mattresses.
54) People who judge you based on your taste in music.
55) Dancing...and yet I do it anyway.
56) People who say they're ok when they're really not.
57) The movie Flubber.
58) Chugging a whole bottle of water for my dog so she can play with the empty
59) The way I always spell the word "anything" with the 'g' before
the 'n'.
60) People who pretend to like kids. They can tell, ya know.
61) Fake Ghetto People. The FGP.
62) Liars. Plain and simple.
63) Parvo's science class.
64) Buying a can of mixed nuts and having it have nothing but peanuts.
65) Parents who need to display pictures of their children
all over the place. Bad pictures.
66) Chocolate chip ice cream.
67) Chocolate ice cream.
68) The way my stomach growls after I eat and it sounds
really weird.
69) People who crack stupid jokes when you get a 69 on a
test or quiz.
70) People who say they love bands when they really only
know one or two songs.
71) Bra shopping.
72) Being two dollars short for a GREAT purchase.
73) Cartoon movies.
74) Poke’mon.
75) People who overuse words.
76) Swimming in salt water.
77) Voiceovers not being correct on TV shows and movies.
78) Dubbed movies.
79) Local TV channels.
80) The THQ sound check thing.
81) Sound of a human heartbeat.
82) People who add the letter “z” to the end of every word…I
mean “wordz”.
83) Clowns.
84) Mimes.
85) Puppets.
86) People who sign up for livejournal but NEVER update.
87) Prejudice.
88) People who want something but are too afraid to ask.
89) People who insist that “dog” rhymes with “log” because
they look close.
90) Death.
91) People who dress up their dogs.
92) Waking up to some CD that wasn’t in my alarm clock the
nigh before.
93) People who IM you just to whine about how bored they
94) Self-mutilation.
95) Bellybutton piercings.
96) Advisory.
97) School, really.
98) People who talk in 1337.
99) Procrastinating, even though I am the empress of
100) My stomach.