Wow this one took awhile...I had to reformat it...

Mar 09, 2005 21:00

I n f o r m a t i o n
01. Name: Erin O’Brien

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. Who are your best friends?: Oh god…Drew is top, but we’ve also got Rachel, Chrissy, Meredith, Sarah, Liz, Katherine, Katie, Emily, Jessie…Yea I don’t really make distinctions, lol
02. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Not anymore, hallelujah

F a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. Where is your favorite place to shop?: I adore Hot Topic, but I also like Wet Seal and the Army Navy Surplus store in Newport…Haha Aïda
02. Any tattoos or piercings?: Nothing yet, but I want both

S p e c i f i c s
01. Do you do drugs?: Umm…Do you count the caffeine in coffee?
02. What kind of shampoo do you use?: It varies
03. What are you most scared of?: Plenty of things, but I DESPISE having blood taken. I don’t even mind shots, it’s just having someone jab a needle in my arm and suck my life away kinda sucks. Last time wasn’t as bad though, the guy had a ‘fro.
04. What are you listening to right now?: Evanescence, big shock there.
05. Who is the last person that called you?: Hamiltoid, asking me something about our history project.
06. Where do you want to get married?: In a little chapel in Vegas.
07. How many buddies are online right now?: Pfft, no idea, I’m not signed on.
08. What would you change about yourself?: I don’t like my flab, my face, the texture of my hair…so pick one.

F a v o u r i t e s
01. Color: Maroon
02. Food: BBQ ribs, baby.
03. Boys' names: Aiden and David
04. Girls' names: Arianna
05. Subjects in school: Nothing this year, but I’m taking psych next year, so hopefully that’ll be better.
06. Animals: Big cats, like tigers or cheetahs.
07. Sports: Karate, swimming, and ice skating.
08. Perfume: *blank stare* Perfume? ME?
09. Cologne: *again*

H a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. Given anyone a bath?: Just pets…I’m awesome like that…
02. Smoked?: Never
03. Bungee jumped?: Nooooope
04. Made yourself throw up?: No
05. Skinny dipped?: No
06: Ever been in love?: No
07. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Of course
08. Pictured your crush naked?: Who hasn’t?
09. Actually seen your crush naked?: …I think so…
10. Cried when someone died?: Yes
11. Lied: Yes
12. Fallen for your best friend?: For a smidgy bit until I realized he was a flaming homosexual.
13. Been rejected?: Yep
14. Rejected someone?: Mm-hmm
15. Used someone?: Yes, hahaha
16. Done something you regret?: Sure

C u r r e n t
Clothes: Wet Seal jeans, Abercrombie shirt, AE camisole…God I feel like a prep
Music: …Does my parents fighting count?
Make-up: None
Smell: Hand lotion I just put on
Favorite artist: Edvard Munch
Favorite group: Evanescence + Rasputina
Desktop picture: Me in my very “grudge-esque” psoe
Book you’re reading: “Needful Things” by Stephen King
CD in player: Marc Cohn…Beautiful, beautiful soul
DVD in player: The Bourne Identity…Matt Damon is BEAUTIFUL
Color of toenails: Sparkly black

L a s t | p e r s o n
You touched: Drew, probably
Hugged: Chrissy
You imed: Umm…Liz, maybe
You kissed: My dog?

A r e | y o u
Understanding: Yes
Open-minded: Yes
Arrogant: Yes, haha
Insecure: Usually
Interesting: You tell me
Hungry: Always
Smart: I like to think so
Moody: Yep
Hardworking: Not lately, but I do try
Organized: For the most part
Healthy: Getting better
Shy: No, not even remotely
Attractive: Again, you tell me. I don’t think so, but whatever…
Bored easily: Depends on the day
Responsible: Yes, I’ll give myself that much credit
Obsessed: With some things, yes
Angry: Sometimes
Sad: Yes, most of the time
Disappointed: Not in myself
Happy: Not always, but I am getting better
Hyper: Yes
Trusting: No
Talkative: Of course
Legal: As far as I know

W h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
Kill: No one
Get high with: No one, ever
Look like: Charisma Carpenter, maybe…
Talk to offline: Everyone
Talk to online: …Wow, man. Just wow.

R a n d o m
In the morning i am: unattractive, exhausted + not all that friendly. unless it's a weekend!
All I need is: The rhythm divine! Haha no, I guess a Starbucks venti white mocha would be nice.
I dream about: Haha nice try

W h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
Coke or pepsi: Coke times a billion
Flowers or candy: Flowers; they don’t make me fat
Tall or short: Tall, but not too tall

R a n d o m
What do you notice first: Eyes, ass, and abs, if any
Last person you slow danced with: I don’t dance
Worst question to ask: “When is the baby due?” only to find out the person isn’t pregnant
Who makes you laugh the most: I dunno, everyone
Who makes you smile: Friends, and Aïda
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Too many people to name
Who do you have a crush on: Not telling here…He might see
Who has a crush on you: Ask around and let me know

D o | y o u | e v e r
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: I did once, and woke up at 3 p.m. the next day. Not gonna happen again
Save conversations: Yes…so you have been warned!
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: When my little red friend comes to visit, but that’s about it. I especially love being a girl in karate. We have many less vulnerable body parts ;-)
Wish you were younger: Rarely
Cry because someone said something to you: Yes

N u m b e r

Of times i have had my heart broken: Never, I do the breaking for the most part
Of hearts i have broken: A few
Of guys i've kissed: I don’t know. Not many
Of girls i've kissed: Family and dog only
Of continents i have lived in: 1, soon to (possibly) be 2
Of tight friends: Many
Of cds i own: About 70-something
Of scars on my body: Too many

F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
01. Gold or silver: Silver
02. What was the last film you saw at the movies: Not sure…I was going to go see The Pacifier, but it didn’t work out. Phantom of the Opera, maybe.
03. Favorite cartoon/anime: The Simpsons
04. What did you have for breakfast this morning: Some of Drew’s coffee and a few Munchkins
05. Who would you love being locked in a room with: HAHAHHAHA Dear Lord, you expect me to answer that? David Borneo, probably…But actually? Not gonna say here, ask me personally if you really wanna know. If I don’t tell you, then it’s probably you.
06. Could you live without your computer: I guess so, but I wouldn’t be happy
07. Would you color your hair: It’s colored right now
08. Could you ever get off the computer: …Duh…
09. Habla espanol: No, Francais
10. How many people are on your buddy list: 200, baby
11. Drink alcohol: Never have
12. Like watching sunrises or sunsets: I love both, and I enjoy taking pictures of both as well
13. What hurts the most: Giving birth? Lol not that I’d know…
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