The Orb and Owl; Vol. 2, No. 4

Apr 16, 2007 16:05

The April 2007 Issue of the O&O is out! Read it on the Prohphecy website, or right here at prophecy2007!

April 2007

The focus of this month's Orb and Owl is amazing, astounding, and absolutely awesome! Welcome to our special Art in April issue, featuring announcements about an assortment of avenues for our artistically appreciative attendees: special programming, a feature on Toronto museums, and a contest you simply don't want to miss! Enjoy!

Prophetically yours,
Scrivena Z. Nuntius


Delivered by Owl Express next week: A Special Edition of The Orb and Owl announcing the topics and ticket info for our Special Guest Luncheons! Don't miss it!

Secret of the Sphinx Challenge
April brings two very important pieces of news for those of you working hard on the Sphinx's riddle. First, the next-to-last clue is now available for your brain-weary pleasure; and second, you have another opportunity to consult the Sphinx about your progress before submitting your final answers next month! Remember, the Grand Prize is a free stay at the Sheraton Centre Hotel during Prophecy, so look for the riddles and contest rules here.

In order to check your answers, send an e-mail to before April 21, 2007 that includes the following information:

-->Your answers to each of the six riddles posted thus far, being sure to specify which answer is for which month; and
-->The full name and e-mail address of each team member (up to four people) who have collaborated on the answers. Only one e-mail should be sent in per team.

Contestants may expect an answer from the Sphinx no later than May 5, 2007. Good luck, and happy riddling!

The Great Hall: Informal Programming News
We have several important updates from our IP team this month! Read on!

Decade of Enchantment Ball

If you are an attendee who's disappointed that you missed the opportunity for ball tickets, fret no more! Our Transfiguration Wizards have been hard at work enlarging the Sheraton's ballrooms, and we are pleased to announce that we now are able to offer an additional 200 ball tickets for sale. The tickets are available on a first-come-first-served basis for $5 apiece.

To purchase your ticket to the Decade of Enchantment Ball, please click here to go to the registration system, and follow the instructions below:

1. You will need to supply your first name, last name, and the e-mail address under which you registered. The system should recognize that you are already registered and direct you to the Summary Page.
2. Enter your registration confirmation number and click "OK". (If you can't remember your confirmation number, you can ask to have it e-mailed to you.) Your registration information will display.
3. On the left side of the screen, click “Modify”. This will take you to your personal information page.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Next".
5. Under the optional item, "Decade of Enchantment Ball", enter the quantity 1 or 2.
6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Next".
7. When the next page displays, click "Finish".
8. Enter your credit card details to pay for your extra item, and then click "Finish" to update your registration.

Wizard Talent Competition

We are pleased to announce that our Wizard Talent Competition will be hosted by the one and only Steve Vander Ark of the Harry Potter Lexicon, and that our panel of celebrity judges will be comprised of the members of The Draco Malfoys and The Remus Lupins! It is sure to be an event to remember!

Haven't had a chance to get your entry in yet? We've decided to extend the deadline for submissions until April 30. This is your last chance to win 10 points for your house by applying for Wizard Talent. More information and rules for the competition can be found here.


Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in playing in the North American Flying Federation 139th Merlin's Cup and the Inter-House Championship! Registration for team spots is now closed. Players received an email on April 1st (no joke!) from Hedwig, our Games Coordinator, with all of the information needed to participate. Remember: you must reply to this email or we will give your spot to an eager player on the waiting list! If you signed up to play but did not receive an email, please contact Hedwig at

If you want to play but aren't registered for one of our tournaments, never fear! Pick-up matches will still be arranged for those who are interested.


Love to teach? Want to share some of your specialized knowledge with your fellow Prophecy attendees? We are currently seeking Professors for our evening workshops. Whether your specialty is Divination, Prophecy, Scrapbooking, Memories, Mythology, or Care of Magical Creatures, we have the job for you! More information on the workshops may be found here. Preference given to those with teaching experience, but any passionate and enthusiastic candidate should visit our Workshops Yahoo Group to apply.

Announcing the Four Founders of Hogwarts Art Contest!
Have you ever wondered what the Founders of Hogwarts looked like way back when? Maybe you've even sketched out some different likenesses. Well, here’s your chance to show off your artistic talent with the Prophecy 2007 Common Rooms? Founders of Hogwarts Contest.

We're looking for original drawings, sketches and even small paintings of the Four Founders of Hogwarts, either individually or as a group. You could draw Salazar Slytherin in his Chamber of Secrets, Godric Gryffindor wandering the Hogwarts grounds, or even paint Helga Hufflepuff reclining on a blanket beside the Forbidden Forest. The possibilities are endless!

Contest Details

* Subject(s): The drawings must be of one of the Founders of Hogwarts (i.e.: Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff) and/or a drawing of all of them as a group. Each picture must also have one or more of the House animals (i.e. Eagle, Snake, Lion, and Badger), corresponding with the subject(s).
* Categories: There are five categories in this contest, each will be judged separately. The categories are as follows: Favourite Godric Gryffindor, Favourite Helga Hufflepuff, Favourite Rowena Ravenclaw, Favourite Salazar Slytherin and Favourite Founders of Hogwarts (Group).
* Size: 8" x 8" (minimum)
* Submit: A scan or photo of your drawing to, along with your Full Name, School House, Country of Residence, and email address.
* Deadline: Have your scan or photo emailed to by May 10, 2007. The Finalists will be contacted by June 1, 2007.
* Judging: Contest will be judged on creativity, originality, interpretation of the Founders of Hogwarts, realism of the Magical World and use of colour (if applicable). Finalists will be notified and asked to send in the original artwork by mail at that time in order to be displayed in the Common Room. Works not selected as finalists may be submitted to the Art Gallery.
* House Points: Each entry will earn 10 House Points (max 3 entries per person, please). Each piece of artwork selected as a finalist will earn an additional 40 House Points.

Rules, regulations, and more info about this contest may be found here.

The Chatty Canvas: Art and Gallery News
Prophecy's Art Gallery team has been hard at work thinking up a whole series of fun-filled events for our creative attendees to enjoy! Here are a few examples of what's in store:

It's like Pictionary, but HP-style! Even better, all drawing skill levels are welcome! If you can draw a stick figure Hermione, you can play this game. There will be prizes for the winners, so come show off your Harry Potter knowledge and creativity on Saturday night.

Artist Alcove
Sure to be a favourite feature of the Art Gallery: a place where people can hang out and draw stuff to share with fellow fans. Great place to meet new fanartists and see brand new fanart as it’s created. Supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own as well.

Drawble/Drabble Booth
An ongoing event in the Art Gallery; sign up as a fanartist or fanficcer and sketch or write requests for eager, delighted fans! Sign up will be on the website soon, with further details.

Witch and Wizard Craft
The Art Gallery is proud to host a craft-making session for all those wizards and witches who are interested in building, assembling, and just plain having a laugh alongside fellow crafty wizards. This fun-filled craft-assembly workshop will take place on Friday night. Craft-stations will likely include wizardly felt hand puppets, charm bracelets, polymer clay jewellery, Pygmy Puffs and much more. All of the crafts that you make this night will be yours to keep and treasure - a personal remembrance of Prophecy, made especially for you, by you!

The types and amount of crafts offered for this night are solely dependent on the number of people interested in attending. So gather your friends and make it a rewarding and fun night for all! There will be a $10 materials fee so you won’t have to pack your own supplies. All materials will be available for you to get craft making to your heart's content.

If you are a registered Prophecy guest and would like to purchase the materials fee for the Witch and Wizard Craft night, please click here to go to the registration system, and follow the instructions below:

1. You will need to supply your first name, last name, and the e-mail address under which you registered. The system should recognize that you are already registered and direct you to the Summary Page.
2. Enter your registration confirmation number and click "OK". (If you can't remember your confirmation number, you can ask to have it e-mailed to you.) Your registration information will display.
3. On the left side of the screen, click “Modify”. This will take you to your personal information page.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Next".
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Next".
6. Under the optional item, "Witch and Wizard Craft Fee" enter the quantity 1.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Next".
8. When the next page displays, click "Finish."
9. Enter your credit card details to pay for your extra item, then click "Finish" to update your registration.

Special Interview with Prophecy's Art and Gallery Chair
Scrivena Z. Nuntius: Glockgal, thanks for joining us for this artsy issue of The Orb and Owl. There are lots of people who are involved in fandom but still know very little about the world of fanart, so we'd like to take this opportunity to show them what they've been missing! How did you first get interested in fanart?

Glockgal: I love to draw, and what delighted me most when I first got into the Harry Potter fandom was that there were so many people just like me. The HP books are so perfect for fanartists; there is a never-ending wealth of scenes and characters for artists to imagine and create.

Because this is one of the biggest fandoms in the world, I'm surprised that people haven't explored this rich and extraordinary world of fanart. Just Google 'Harry Potter fanart' and have fun exploring! You'll find art for canon, fanfic, pairings, creatures, magical items... You name it, fanartists have envisioned it.

SZN: Do you think people enjoy fanart in the same way that they enjoy fanfiction, or is it something different entirely?

GG: Hmm! Complicated question! Fanart and fanfic can definitely be enjoyed in conjunction. There is a lot of fanart that has been inspired by fanfic, and even vice versa. One form of creativity can be very inspiring for the other.

The greatest difference between fanfiction and fanart is that fanart can encompass both the canon that JKR has written and all genres fanfiction. Fanart can be a drawing of Harry facing Voldemort in Goblet of Fire - down to the tiniest, exact detail provided by Rowling. It can also be a drawing of, say, the Diggory’s mourning at Cedric's funeral; something Rowling hasn't described, but the fanartist has speculated. And here I pause to sniffle a bit for Cedric. *sniffle*

SZN: What can you tell us about Prophecy's Art Gallery?

GG: It's gonna be GREAT, as long as you artists out there get into action! (That's right, I'm talking to YOU!) Our Call for Art for the Gallery is ongoing until May 15, 2007. All the details can be found here.

The Gallery is all about memories and remembrances, like looking through your own Pensieve and seeing all the events that have happened throughout the entire series. We also welcome art that speculates the future as well!

We want to turn the Gallery into a walking Pensieve for people to stroll through and remember the series that we all love so much. What better way to trigger memories than using the visual arts? We are looking for art from your personal Pensieve, canon art, fanon art, and everything in between.

SZN: How can interested attendees get involved?

GG: The Art Gallery is always looking for people to get involved! Here are three ways to do so:

1. Submit your art to the Gallery today! We are looking forward to your submissions!

2. Come to and participate in the Art Gallery Events. We welcome all skill levels to all of them - as long as you have a passion for art and/or craft making, we'll do our best to ensure you have a great time (and hopefully win a prize!)

3. We are always on the lookout for volunteers to monitor the Art Gallery during open hours. If you are interested in hanging out for a couple hours in a cool and artistic place, please email for more information.

Charring Cross Road: Your Gateway to Prophecy
Knight Bus now open for business!

The Ministry of Magic has informed us that there will be many witches and wizards converging on the Pearson International Airport in the first week of August. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement urges all attendees of Prophecy NOT to use their wands in the middle of a Muggle airport to summon the Knight Bus. We will be disguising the Knight Bus to look like a common form of Muggle transportation. You will recognize this bus by the words “Airport Express” on the sides and front of it. Our driver, Ernie Prang, will take on many different appearances throughout the day, so do not be alarmed.

When you arrive at Pearson Airport, the Airport Express should be easy to find. Customer Service Representatives are positioned at all three international terminals, at the following locations within each terminal:

* Terminal 1 - Arrivals Level (Outside Domestic Baggage Claim Area); bus departs from Posts B and E.
* Terminal 2 - Located Curbside at Area # 17
* Terminal 3 - Located Curbside at Area # 25

This bus will run from the airport to the hotel every half hour, so there's no need to get impatient and pull out your broomsticks. We must stress the importance of blending in with the Muggles around you. A schedule of pickup times can be found here.

Tickets may be purchased online for $15.25 CDN each way. Reservations are not required. You can buy your Airport Express shuttle tickets here. Just print out your ticket and present it to Ernie the shuttle driver. Or, if you would rather make your reservation on the phone, call Carol Murray at (905) 564-3232, extension 230. Let her know you’re attending Prophecy, and you will still receive the 10% discount that on-line purchasers receive. She can also answer any questions you might have.

If you would rather pay for the shuttle when you arrive at Pearson, the shuttle driver can take cash and credit cards. The price will be $16.95 CDN at the airport. If you want to use a debit card, please see the Airport Express Customer Service Representative in the terminal.

It will take approximately 90 minutes (more or less, depending on traffic) to get to the hotel from the airport, so be sure to plan accordingly!

The Floo Network: News About Travel and Toronto
Toronto Museums and Galleries
by Genevieve L'Arts “Farts”

Visitors to Toronto have a wide selection of museums and art galleries to choose from during their stay in Prophecy's host city. Every Muggle, Squib, Wizard and Witch can find something that sparks an artistic interest.

Art enthusiasts will definitely want to pay a visit to the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO). While their current construction does limit the amount of art on display, their reduced admission fees (only $5.00 for adults) make it a good deal. Their ongoing exhibitions include the Henry Moore Sculpture Centre, "Swing Space", and "Your Future Now" which features the favourites and highlights of the AGO's permanent collection.

The Museum of Canadian Contemporary Art (MOCCA) is conveniently on the same street as Prophecy's host hotel, Queen's Street West. Its collection holds approximately 400 works of art by more than 150 Canadian artists.

Toronto is also home to the only museum in Canada devoted entirely to ceramics. From Picasso's Large Vase with Veiled Women to Maiolica dishes from the Italian Renaissance, the Gardiner's collection of 2,900 pieces is sure to impress.

But if ceramics aren't your style, there is a museum dedicated to something we all wear and use on a regular basis: the almighty shoe. The Bata Shoe Museum boasts a collection of more than 12,000 shoes and related artefacts spanning 4,500 years of history.

A must-see cultural and educational attraction is, of course, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), whose new Crystal galleries and public spaces are set to open in June. Canada's leading international museum is a wonderful place to learn about world culture and natural history through engaging permanent galleries and travelling exhibitions. During Prophecy, the ROM will be host to two special exhibitions: "Ancient Peru Unearthed" and the "Allure of Edo: Japanese Paintings of the Floating World".

For those who are interested in the natural world and magical creatures, you'll want to head out to the Toronto Zoo. Being Canada's premier Zoo, it is known for its conservation initiatives and interactive education. With over 5,000 animals representing over 460 species, the Toronto Zoo is truly a wild experience!

The scientific-at-heart will be delighted to know they can visit the Ontario Science Centre. With its hands-on exhibits, live demonstrations, a mini-planetarium and the OMNIMAX Theatre, you'll be fascinated.

You won't find Hogwarts in Toronto, but you can explore Casa Loma, the Edwardian Castle and former estate of Sir Henry Pellat. Its decorated suites, stately towers, garden estates and secret passages (no access to Hogsmeade) will no doubt intrigue your inner exploring Marauder.

If Casa Loma whets your appetite for Canadian history, a visit to Black Creek Pioneer Village can take you back in time to Ontarian life in the 1800s (no time-turner required). Forty restored heritage homes, shops and gardens are brought to life by historical interpreters and artisans in period dress, helping you discover how settlers lived, worked and played.

But if you're not inclined to venture too far from the Sheraton Centre Hotel, fear not! Your thirst for history can still be quenched with only a short stroll down the block to explore the Campbell House Museum. Built in 1822 and a classical example of Georgian architecture, the Campbell House is the oldest building remaining from the original town of York. To find out more about Toronto heritage museums, please visit the City of Toronto's website.

So don't stay in the hotel the whole weekend � venture out and enjoy the cultural experience of a lifetime!

House Points Scorecard
The current standings for the Prophecy 2007 House Points Competition are as follows:

Gryffindor has a total of 46 points, and 40% of attendees.
Hufflepuff has a total of 9 points, and 16% of attendees.
Ravenclaw has a total of 22 points, and 24% of attendees.
Slytherin has a total of 19 points, and 20% of attendees.

(Please remember, our house points are tabulated using weighted averages � in other words, no house will have an advantage in the competition due to having more students! --- Scrivena Z. Nuntius)

Want to help your House win the Cup?

* Enter the Wizard Talent Competition!
* Participate in the Four Founders Art Contest!
* Submit your final answers in the Secret of the Sphinx Challenge next month!

The Remembrall Corner: Our Favourite Memories of Harry
In the spirit of this month's theme, the following memory comes to us from Glockgal, our Art and Gallery Chair...

One of my favourite memories of the Harry Potter books happened recently; the release of Half-Blood Prince, in fact. I was living in London (the irony!), away from my friends and family and real peanut butter and away from everything that I loved. So before work, I bought the book and settled at a café to read. And read. And, as with all other HP books, I fell fully into the story and.... Just for those few blissful hours of reading in the summer morning Harrow sun, I felt like I was back home again. It was like meeting up with old familiar friends again, silly and wonderful as it sounds.

orb and owl, april 2007

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